Fibroids are benign growths that,
while bothersome, are rarely life–threatening. In women who do not get relief
from medications or diet changes, surgical options are available, depending on
whether future pregnancy is desired.Uterine
Fibroids may be suspected from the patient history, and a bimanual pelvic exam often confirms the diagnosis. The uterus is generally enlarged, mobile, and asymmetric. Extremely large fibroids may cause a palpable uterus on abdominal exam. Findings can be confirmed by imaging studies.Transvaginal ultrasound can be used to detect and localize fibroids. However, for women with large uteri or more than 4 fibroids, it is less precise than MRI.4
Sonohysterography can better characterize submucosal fibroids than transvaginal ultrasound.
Pelvic MRI best localizes all types of fibroids, accurately assesses their size, and distinguishes fibroids from other growths (eg, adenomyomas, leiomyosarcomas). However, expense should be taken into consideration.
Hysterosalpingography is best reserved for fertility evaluations. It defines the contour of the endometrium and patency of the fallopian tubes.
Hysteroscopy provides direct visualization inside the uterus and can diagnose submucosal fibroids.
Remember Fibroid tumors are tissue growths, and
even though they are described as tumors, they are not related to cancer.
Fibroid tumors usually grow in the womb or uterus wall. Although fibroids
eventually get smaller and disappear after menopause, there are ways in which
you can manage them before you reach menopause. If you are looking for ways to
prevent fibroid tumors, consider the following steps, and remember that in
order to prevent fibroids, you need to improve your overall health, so be prepared
to make some changes.
How to cope with fibroids
1. Understand that you will have to
change your diet if you want to avoid getting fibroid tumors. Ideally, you should meet with your
doctor regarding the dietary steps you wish to take in eradicating and
preventing fibroid tumors.
- Eat primarily fish and eliminate meats from your diet. This is because fish such as tuna, salmon and mackerel calm swollen tissue.
Weaken levels of estrogen in your system by consuming 1 serving of beans
at least once a day. Doing so will hinder fibroid tumors from growing. Examples
include kidney beans, lima beans, black beans, pinto beans and split peas.
Reduce red meat consumption.
Available evidence suggests that women who eat more than one serving per day of
red meat have a 70% greater risk for uterine myoma, compared with women who eat
the least. Women who eat more than one serving per day of green vegetables have
a 50% lower risk.10 However, this study should be repeated by other
independent investigators before diet is assumed to be effective for preventing
or treating fibroids.
Alcohol. Alcohol
appears to increase the risk for fibroids. This risk is positively correlated
with the number of years of alcohol intake and specifically with beer
consumption. Compared with women who abstained from alcohol, those who had one
or more drinks of beer per day had more than a 50% increased risk for
leiomyomata. Avoid alcohol, saturated fats and bleached white flour.
These are all toxins to the body that promote the growth of fibroids.
2 . Refrain from using birth
control pills, hormone replacement drugs, spermicides, and anything else that
increases the level of estrogen in your system. Increased estrogen promotes
fibroid tumor growth.
3 Reduce stress levels by
incorporating stress relief methods. Too much stress can cause fibroids
because anxiety diminishes the body's progesterone levels, resulting in a
natural estrogen increase. It is important to relieve stress on a daily basis
which will shrink existing fibroid tumors as well as prevent more from growing.
Additionally, getting sufficient sleep is necessary to relieving stress.
4 Begin an exercise regimen that
helps you lose weight, if needed, and then helps maintain a healthy weight.
You could combine this with your need to reduce stress by taking up yoga or Tai
Weight gain. A greater
number of women with fibroids are obese, compared with the general population.11
In the Black Women’s Health Study, the relationship between fibroids and
obesity appeared to be “J–shaped.” Compared with the thinnest women (body mass
index [BMI] <20 kg/m2), risk appears to increase gradually in women with a
BMI of 20 to 22.4 (34% increased risk), to a maximum risk in women with a BMI
of 27.5 to 29.9 (47% increased risk), before falling in the most obese group
(20% increased risk).
5 Talk to your doctor about taking
a digestive enzyme supplements that assists in the break down and removal of
fibrin, thus speeding up the fibroid tumor eradication process
Supplements you can use for fibroids life camo pill
2. red peony
3. ng4l fibro clear
4. ng4l Nsfibrin
5. ng4l black strap molasses
6.Organo gold green tea
7. Ganoderma
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