Sunday, 12 January 2014


  Q- What is AIDS/HIV and what are its symptoms? ?
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a condition that weakens the immune system. It results from contracting the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) which is detected through a blood test. Most people who contract HIV see a progression to AIDS symptoms within 10-15 years of initial infection, although symptoms can occur earlier.
HIV causes a broad spectrum of clinical problems. Within a few weeks of infection, some people may experience flu-like symptoms, including fever, general sickness and poor energy, rash, joint pain, and swelling of the lymph nodes. However these symptoms usually disappear quickly and an infected person can remain without symptoms for a long period of time.
The onset of AIDS itself is when an HIV-positive patient’s immune system is severely damaged and loses its ability to fight infections. The signs of these infections may include: a fever higher than 100 F for several weeks, dry cough, chronic diarrhea, white spots or unusual lesions on the tongue or in the mouth, blurred and distorted vision, persistent fatigue and skin infections.
       Q- How do I avoid getting AIDS/HIV? ?
The only way to prevent AIDS is to avoid becoming infected with HIV. HIV is spread most often by having unprotected sex with an infected partner. The virus enters the body through the vagina, vulva, penis, rectum, or mouth during sex. HIV is also spread through contact with infected blood. This can occur while sharing needles during intravenous drug use and through other direct blood-to-blood contact such as receiving infected blood during a blood transfusion, though this is highly unlikely in many countries now due to thorough screening of donated blood. Mothers can also spread the virus to their babies during pregnancy, childbirth, or breast-feeding.
 Q- What can I do to help me live with AIDS/HIV? ?
There is no cure for AIDS but certain drugs seem to slow the progression of the disease. In addition, various nutritional factors may be helpful in supporting the immune system. Because of the complicated nature of this disorder, medical supervision is strongly recommended with regard to dietary changes and nutritional supplements. Some healthy things you can do are:
• Good nutrition is vital for people with HIV.
• Add shiitake, reishi, and maitake mushrooms or supplements to your diet.
• Consume plenty of green drinks from leafy greens.
• Take appropriate dietary supplements and supplementary fiber.
• Exercise and reduce lifestyle stress.
• Drink at least two liters of water per day.
• Eliminate junk food,avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and Echinacea.
• Limit your intake of soybeans and soy products, which contain enzyme-inhibitors.
• Always use a condom and practice food safety and drink clean water.
Q- What NG4L products can help with AIDS/HIV? ?
• NG4L Natural Immune Force
• NG4L Viral Defense Plus, NG4L Immune Defense Plus
• NG4L Qina Immune Booster
• NG4L Selenium
• NG4L Ultra Man/Woman, NG4L Coral Calcium Supreme
• NG4L Colloidal Silver
• NG4L Noni, Goji, or Mangos teen juice
• NG4L Tea Tree Oil
• NG4L Whey Protein Shake
To order email:  or call: 08157710803 or 08034348505


Q- What are allergies and what causes them? ?
An allergic reaction occurs when the body’s immune system overreacts to normally harmless substances (allergens), and the white blood cells begin to attack them as invaders. Almost any substance can act as an allergen. The most common allergy triggers include: pollen, dust mites, molds, animal dander, latex, foods, and insect venom. Foods known to cause allergies are: wheat, sugars (fructose and sucrose), soybeans, shellfish, pineapples, onions, dairy foods (cheese and milk), citrus fruits, chocolate, bee pollen, and alcoholic drinks (beer and wine).

The symptoms of allergies include: cold-like symptoms (nasal congestion, runny eyes, itching eyes, itching ears, itching throat), shortness of breath, headache, swelling of mouth and/or throat, diarrhea, intestinal discomfort, inflammation, and hives. The most severe allergic reaction, known as anaphylaxis, can lead to low blood pressure, breathing difficulties, shock, and loss of consciousness, all of which can be fatal.

Q- What can I do to relieve my allergy symptoms? ?
Severe allergic reactions require medication and immediate medical help, but for mild allergies here are some healthy things you can do:
• Keep rooms free of dust and use a free-standing air filter.
• If using an air conditioner in your room, use appropriate filters to circulate pure air in the room.
• Use mold-proof paint on walls and do not carpet bathrooms or other damp rooms.
• Reduce mold by removing houseplants, by frequently cleaning shower curtains, bathroom windows, damp walls, areas with dry rot and indoor trash cans with mix of chlorine and bleach.
• Use a dehumidifier to reduce the humidity in your home to 50% or less.
• Do not smoke, and avoid second-hand smoke.
• Shower or bathe before bedtime to wash off pollen and other allergens in your hair and on skin.
• Keep pets out of the house to avoid pet dander.
• Avoid excessive stress and learn healthy techniques for dealing with stressors.
• Rotate foods to help detect a food allergy.
• Increase onions, garlic, and citrus fruits for Quercetin, a natural antihistamine.
• Drink plenty of water and fruit juices.
• Gargle with one cup of warm water mixed with 1 teaspoon of non-iodized salt to relieve symptoms.
Q- Which NG4L products can help to lessen or relieve allergy symptoms? ?
• NG4L Vitamin C Rose Hips
• NG4L Enzymes + Bromelaine
• NG4L Cal Mag Zinc+D
• NG4LGrapeseed Extract
• NG4L Flax Seed Oil
• NG4L Arthritis Joint Formula
• NG4L Goji
• NG4L Noni
• NG4L Mangosteen
• Ng4l Cordyceps,
• NG4L Royal Jelly
• NG4L Ginkgo Max
• NG4L Acidophilus
• NG4L Milk Thistle or Ng4lHealthy Liver
• NG4L Odorless Garlic
• NG4L Wellness and Longevity White Tea or NG4L Green Tea
• NG4L Coenzyme Q10
• NG4L Natprogest
• NG4L Whey Protein
• NG4L Korean Ginseng
• NG4L Echinacea, NG4L Aloe Vera, NG4L Qina
To order email:  or call: 08157710803 or 08034348505


Q- What is andropause??
Andropause is natural condition which is considered the male version of menopause is a normal part of aging and marks the beginning of the decrease in sexual ability or virility. It is the result of decreasing hormone levels in middle-aged men.
The extremity of symptoms is linked to the rate of decrease of testosterone production in the body. These symptoms may include mood changes, depression, increased anxiety, fatigue, lack of energy, decreased sex drive, decreased muscle mass, back pain and erectile dysfunction.

Q- What can I do to lessen the symptoms of andropause??
•    Stop smoking and recreational drug use. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and sugar.
•    Quit or drastically reduce intake of alcoholic beverages.
•    Avoid saturated fats and hydrogenated oils.
•    Eat a well-balanced diet. Reduce fried foods, red meats and fatty dairy foods and sugar.
•    Avoid exposure to harmful synthetic chemicals, smog and smoke.
•    Eat pumpkin seeds, soy beans, cooked tomato, and cruciferous vegetables.
•    Reduce stress.
•    Exercise regularly to increase metabolism and reduce excess body fat.
•    Discuss Natural hormone replacement therapy with your physician.
•    Take the best nutritional supplement and herbs. Vitamins C, D, E and zinc, selenium, flaxseed, milk thistle, fermented soy, fish oil and garlic are beneficial to men’s health.
•    Drink plenty of clean water.
•    Walk 30 minutes daily.
•    Eat only unrefined crystalline sea salt which is a rich source of natural iodine.
•    Drink 2 cups of Beet Root, Carrot and Wheat Grass juice each day.
Q- What NG4L products can help with andropause? ?
•    NG4L Roots Capsules
•    NG4L Ultra Man
•    NG4L Prostate Plus
•    NG4L Cal Mag ZN+D or NG4L Coral Calcium Or Zinc
•    NG4L Vitamin C Rose Hips
•    NG4L DHEA
•    NG4L Ginkgo Max / NG4L Grapeseed
•    NG4L Flaxseed Oil / Cod Liver Oil / Omega 3 EPA/DHA
•    NG4L Pregnenolone
•    NG4L Bee Pollen
•    NG4L Royal Jelly
•    NG4L Goji Juice
•    NG4L Natprogest
•    NG4L Whey Protein
•    NG4L Acai / Super Antiaging /Selenium
•    NG4L Herbal Male Fertility
•    Nature’s Gain
•    NG4L Korean Ginseng
•    NG4L I3C Broccoli
To order email:  or call: 08157710803 or 08034348505


Q- What causes arthritis? ?
The term arthritis refers to several conditions that involve joint pain and inflammation. There are different causes, depending on the type of arthritis. All involve chronic pain in the joints.  Osteoarthritis is a natural consequence of aging as cartilage that normally cushions joints wears away or degenerates. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that can occur at any age. Gout is a painful disorder caused by improper elimination of uric acid in the body.
Q- If my parents had arthritis, will I get it too??
Some doctors believe arthritis can be hereditary. There are other risk factors.  Arthritis is more common among women than men. Obesity, repetitive movement, and aging all exacerbate the symptoms. 
Q- What can I do to prevent or alleviate arthritis??
Get regular exercise to prevent joint deterioration. Maintain a healthy weight. Eat foods high in antioxidants. Consume foods containing histidine, including rice, wheat, and rye. Include foods that contain sulphur, such as eggs, garlic, onions, and white meats. Avoid pro-inflammatory nightshade vegetables, such as potatoes, peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, and white pepper.
Q- What NG4L products can help with arthritis??
•    NG4L   Triple Strength Arthritis/Joint Formula
•    NG4L   Arthritis Rheumatic Tea
•    NG4L   Omega Fatty Acids (Flaxseed Oil, Omega 3 EPA/DHA, Cod Liver )Oil, Evening primrose oil)
•    NG4L    Açai, Super AntiAging, or Grapeseed Extract
•    NG4L    Enzymes, NS Fibrin, Bromelain, or  SerraFibro
•    NG4L    Noni or Mangosteen  juice or capsules
•    NG4L    Gogi Juice or capsules
To order email:  or call: 08157710803 or 08034348505


Q- What is asthma??
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition affecting the respiratory system.  It involves spasms of the bronchial tubes, coughing, and excessive excretion of thick mucus in the lungs.  An attack can last for a few minutes or several hours and may be caused by a number of triggers such as animals, plants, dust, pollutants, food allergies, and exercise.
In general, asthma begins in childhood and clears up or becomes less severe by the age of 21. However, asthma can develop at any age and is most common among adults with allergies or a genetic tendency towards a supersensitive immune system. People with asthma have symptoms when the airways are narrowed, swollen, or filled with mucus. Common symptoms of asthma include coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest pain, difficulty speaking and loud, fast breathing.
Mild asthma episodes are generally more common. However severe episodes occur and and require immediate medical help. Emergency assistance should be called if the following symptoms are seen: extreme difficulty breathing, paleness, severe panic, decreased level of consciousness, and severe wheezing.
Q- How can I treat my asthma??
Asthma is a condition that requires professional medical attention but the following are ways to help reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks:
•    Eat a healthy diet relatively high in protein and low in carbohydrates
•    Increase omega-3 fatty acids and reduce intake of omega-6 fatty acids
•    Avoid gas-producing foods and take bran or an enzyme complex to aid digestion
•    Use an elimination diet to see if certain foods aggravate the asthmatic condition
•     Avoid soy milk, acetaminophen, aspartame, food, and excessive salt
•    Avoid ice cream and extremely cold liquids
•    Avoid stress--learn healthy techniques for dealing with stress
•    Participate in moderate regular exercise
•    Use caution in taking aspirin and NSAIDs, as these can induce asthma attacks
•    Avoid exposure to possible environmental triggers
•    Aim for your ideal weight and eat lightly
Q- What NG4L products can help with asthma? ?
•     NG4L Mangosteen
•     NG4L Evening Primrose, NG4L Cod Liver or Flaxseed Oil/Omega EPA
•     NG4L Agaricus Blazei Murill, NG4L Cordyceps, NG4L Reishi
•     NG4L Vitamin C Rose Hips
•     NG4L Vitamin E
•     NG4L Cal Mag Zinc+D, or NG4L Coral Calcium
•     NG4L Vital A, NG4L Beta Carotene
•     NG4L Coenzyme Q10
•     NG4L Balanced B
•     NG4L Antistress with Zinc
•     NG4L Noni
•     NG4L Ginkgo Max
•     NG4L Bee Propolis
•     NG4L DHEA
•     NG4L Selenium
•     NG4L Grape Seed Extract
•     NG4L Arthritis Joint Formula
•     NG4L Aloe Vera
•     NG4L Goji Juice
•     NG4L Echinacea
•     NG4L Colloidal Silver, NG4L Garlic
•     NG4L Acidophilus
•     NG4L Ultra Man/Woman
•     NG4L Korean Ginseng
To order email:  or call: 08157710803 or 08034348505


Q- What is cancer and what are its warning signs??
Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells in the body. Cancer cells invade and destroy the tissue around them, forming a hard lump or tumor. They can also break away from this malignant tumor and enter the bloodstream or lymphatic system, which can carry them throughout the body, causing new tumors to form in other organs. The seven classic warning signs of cancer can be remembered by using the acronym CAUTION:
•    Change in bowel or bladder habits
A sore that fails to heal
Unusual bleeding or discharge
Thickening or lump in the breast or elsewhere
Indigestion or difficulty swallowing
Obvious change in a wart or mole
Nagging cough or hoarseness
Cancer is usually treated with surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. In addition to medical treatments, you may wish to fight the cancer using alternative treatments and good nutrition.
Q- How can I decrease my cancer risk??
•    Stop smoking
•    Reduce your alcohol intake
•    Eat a healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, starchy carbohydrates, and protein-rich foods
•    Protect yourself from the harmful effects of the sun
•    Reduce stress as much as possible
•    Exercise vigorously and regularly
•    Avoid environmental pollution
Q- What NG4L products can help me through cancer treatment??
While you are being treated for cancer, supplements can help you feel better, keep up your strength and energy, maintain healthy weight and your body’s store of nutrients, tolerate treatment-related side effects, lower your risk of infection, and help you heal and recover quickly.
•     NG4L Mangosteen
•     NG4L Maitake, NG4L Shiitake, NG4L Reishi, NG4L Agaricus blazei, NG4L Natural
      Immune Force
•     NG4L Ellagic Acid
•     NG4L Chitosan Plus
•     NG4L Vital Yew
•     NG4L Coral Calcium Supreme or NG4L Coral Calcium Plus + NG4L Multivitamins
To order email:  or call: 08157710803 or 08034348505

Chronic fatigue

Q- When is pain considered chronic??
Typically chronic pain is discomfort that continues long after the body has healed from injury or illness, often for three months or more. Chronic pain often affects older adults who suffer from ongoing conditions like arthritis. It can also occur with no known link to injury or illness simply because the nervous system malfunctions or the brain fails to produce chemicals that suppress pain. Chronic pain can occur anywhere in the body and can range from mild intermittent pain to severe pain that interferes with everyday life. Chronic pain can be described as: shooting, burning, or aching pain; or persistent soreness, tightness, or stiffness.
Q- Can diet affect chronic pain??
 Here are several nutritional tips to help reduce unhealthy inflammation and the associated pain:
•    Eat fresh pineapple, which contains bromelain, effective for treating inflammation
•    Eat whole, fiber-rich, unprocessed foods, emphasizing magnesium
•    Eat calcium-rich foods for bone and muscle strength such as leafy greens, almonds, blackberries, broccoli, mustard greens, oatmeal, orange, navy beans, and sunflower seeds
•    Avoid simple or refined sugars including fruit juices, sodas, and sugary baked goods
•    Avoid caffeine, salty foods, and alcohol
•    Limit foods high in saturated fats: red meats, dairy, shellfish, and hydrogenated oils
•    Drink chlorophyll-rich green drinks
•    Eat more fatty fish (mackerel, herring, and salmon)
Q- What lifestyle changes can assist me in alleviating chronic pain??
Chronic pain cannot be eliminated in every case, but there are many lifestyle choices you can make to prevent or reduce the symptoms of chronic pain. Seek early treatment of injuries and illness. Eat a healthy diet, get adequate sleep and pursue regular gentle exercise. Avoid stress as well as alcohol, smoking and drug use. Try alternative therapies such as acupuncture, meditation, magnet therapy, regular massage and heat/cold therapy.
Q- What NG4L products can assist me in alleviating chronic pain??
There are also vitamins and herbs known to have anti-inflammatory properties and to support nerve function.  Work with your NG4L distributor and health practitioner to determine the best approach for your specific condition and cause. The following are beneficial NG4L products:

•    NG4L Balanced B
•    NG4L Cal Mag Zn+D
•    NG4L Ultra Man/Woman or Coral calcium supreme
•    NG4L Omega fatty acids
-Flaxseed oil, Omega 3 EPA/DHA, Cod Liver oil, or Evening primrose oil
•    NG4L Noni , Mangos teen or Goji
•    NG4L Serra Fibro, NS Fibrin, Bromelaine or Enzymes
•    NG4L Arthritis Joint Formula 
To order email:  or call: 08157710803 or 08034348505


Q- What causes constipation??
Constipation refers to difficulty in passing stools. Regular bowel movements are essential for good health, but most people experience occasional constipation; it is one of the most common digestive complaints. It is usually caused by insufficient amounts of fiber and fluids in the diet. Other contributing factors include:  inadequate exercise, stress, depression, anxiety, and poor diet.
Constipation can also be a side effect of some medications, such as painkillers and antidepressants, and it’s very common during pregnancy. It is most common in children and mature adults, and it affects women more than men. Regularity is usually achieved by simple lifestyle changes and improved diet.
Many people think it is optimal to have one bowel movement each day. But “normal” varies from person to person. Some have bowel movements three times a day, while others move their bowels just three times a week. In general, anyone who experiences straining, pellet-like stools, hard stools, cannot fully empty their bowels and has fewer than three bowel movements a week is considered constipated.
Q- How can I avoid or alleviate constipation? ?
No matter what your age, you can help avoid constipation by making several healthy lifestyle choices:
•    Take time to eat, breathe slowly, and chew food thoroughly
•    Consume fiber-rich foods: vegetables, fresh & dried fruits, whole wheat, oat bran
•    Drink 2 to 3 liters of water per day
•    Exercise regularly; follow a plan appropriate to your abilities
•    Eat small frequent meals; avoid overeating at one sitting
•    Drink warm lemon water just before meals to stimulate digestion
•    Include stewed or soaked prunes in your daily diet
•    Avoid dairy products, soft drinks, meat, white flour, highly processed foods, salt, coffee, alcohol, and sugar
Q- What NG4L products can help me avoid or alleviate constipation??
Several natural NG4L products also help to promote regularity by adding supplementary fiber to your diet along with cleansing or laxative herbals.  Others like Acidophilus, Spirulina, and Enzymes help by balancing the intestinal environment, promoting good bacteria and flushing out the bad. You’ll want to work with your NG4L distributor and health consultants to determine the best approach for your specific situation.  But here are a few NG4L products that are a great place to start:

•    NG4L Colon Cleansee
•    NG4L Wellness & Longevity White Tea or NG4L Anti-Constipation Tea 
•    NG4L Flaxseed Oil
•    NG4L Aloe Vera
•    NG4L Parasite Formula
•    NG4L Acidophilus 
•    NG4L Spirulina 
•    NG4L Enzymes Complex 
To order email:  or call: 08157710803 or 08034348505

Eye health

Q- What are eye health problems that can occur? ?
Nearly everyone experiences some form of eye problem in their lives ranging from harmless eye twitches and itchy eyes to more serious disorders, such as cataracts. Eye troubles can be localized, or can be symptoms of disease, either in the eye itself or somewhere else in the body. These problems also include glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, arteriosclerotic retinopathy, eye strain/computer eye syndrome, poor night vision, dry eye syndrome, and short-sightedness.

Q- What can I do to promote eye health??
Although it is best to address each eye problem specifically, there are some general steps you can take to enhance overall eye health.

•    Eat a diet rich in proteins, fruits, and vegetables. Especially include: broccoli, raw cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, green vegetables, squash, watercress, and sunflower seeds.
•    Eliminate sugar and white flour from your diet.
•    Protect your eyes from overexposure to sunlight and wind.
•    Drink plenty of water.
•    Stop smoking, avoid tobacco smoke and other airborne irritants.
•    Get plenty of rest. Also, take frequent breaks when reading or working at a computer to help reduce eye fatigue.
•    Get regular, comprehensive eye examinations. Many eye diseases have no symptoms until their latter stages.
Q- What NG4L products can help me deal with specific eye health problems? ?
General Eye Health:
NG4L Vision Saver - the basic eye formula for maintaining eye health

- Cataract:
NG4L Cataract Clear, NG4L Bilberry, NG4L Grapeseed, and NG4L Mangosteen

- Glaucoma:
NG4L Vitamin C, NG4L Cataract Clear, NG4L Ginkgo Max, NG4L CalMagZn+D, NG4L Mangosteen, NG4L Balanced B, NG4L Vitamin E, NG4L Selenium, and NG4L Bilberry

- Macular Degeneration:
NG4L Spirulina, NG4L Goji, NG4L Grapeseed, NG4L Ginkgo Max, NG4L Bilberry, NG4L Balanced B, and NG4L Vitamin E+Selenium

- Diabetic Retinopathy:
NG4L Chromium, NG4L Mangosteen, NG4L Grapeseed, NG4L Balanced B, and NG4L Vitamin E+Selenium

- Arteriosclerotic Retinopathy:
NG4L Cod Liver Oil and NG4L Selenium+Vitamin E

- Eye Strain/Computer Eye Syndrome:
NG4L Grapeseed, NG4L Cataract Clear, and NG4L Bilberry

- Poor night vision:
NG4L Bilberry, NG4L Goji, and NG4L Spirulina

-  Dry eye syndrome:
NG4L Cod Liver Oil and NG4L Cataract Clear
-          Short-sightedness:
NG4L Chromium
To order email:  or call: 08157710803 or 08034348505


Q- What is diabetes??
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder resulting from the body’s inability to make enough insulin or to properly use it. If your body becomes insulin resistant, more glucose remains in your blood stream and is likely to be stored as fat, rather than burned for energy.

There are two main types of diabetes, Type I and Type II.  Type I is caused by a lack of insulin. This type usually occurs in children or adolescents. In Type I diabetics, their bodies make little or no insulin. People with type I diabetes must take insulin every day to replace what their pancreas is unable to produce.
Type II is typically diagnosed in people over 40. However, the incidence is increasing in children and young adults. Both heredity and lifestyle issues, such as obesity and lack of exercise, are risk factors for Type II Diabetes. The majority of people with Type II diabetes do not require insulin to manage their condition. 

People with Type II diabetes often have no symptoms, and the condition is detected only when a routine exam reveals high blood glucose levels. Occasionally a person with Type II diabetes may gradually begin to experience symptoms including: numbness of the feet, ankles, and legs; blurred or poor vision; fatigue and poor wound healing; excessive urination and thirst; yeast infections; generalized itching; and excessive hunger.
Q- What can I do to treat my diabetes??
If you have Type II Diabetes, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends a healthy, low-fat diet, rich in grains, fruits, and vegetables. 

•    Avoid saturated fats and simple sugars
•    Eat foods with a low glycemic index, such as beans, peas, fruits, and oats
•    Lose weight by reducing calories by 250 to 500 per day
•    Do not use tobacco products and restrict alcohol use
•    Exercise regularly
•    Self-monitor blood glucose
•    Consider a vegan diet
•    Discuss your treatment plan with your doctor
Q- What NG4L products can help with diabetes??
• NG4L Diabetes Tea
• NG4L Diabetes Formula
• NG4L Diabetes and Syndrome X  Formula
• NG4L Chromium Picolinate
• NG4L Korean Ginseng
• NG4L Noni, NG4L Goji, and NG4L Mangosteen
• NG4L Chitosan
To order email:  or call: 08157710803 or 08034348505


Obesity is a condition of the body, wherein there is an increase in the body adipose tissue (fat tissue) mass. The food that we consume on a daily basis provides us with the nutrients required for proper functioning of the body. The calories present in food items are used in the form of energy, by our body, for accomplishing various physical tasks. However, regular binging on high calorie food leads to an accumulation of excess calories in the body, as fat, resulting in obesity. To know more about the causes and symptoms of obesity, read through the following lines.

Causes of Obesity
  • Genetic factors
  • Physical inactivity
  • Emotional or psychological factors
  • Stress
  • High-fat / high calorie diet
  • Medical problems
  • Quitting smoking
  • Certain medications
  • Wrong combination of food
  • Pregnancy
  • Overeating
  • Family Influence
  • Eating too much sugary foods
  • Slow metabolism
  • Weight cycling, caused by repeated attempts to lose weight by dieting, followed by binge eating
  • Underlying illness, such as hypothyroidism
  • Eating disorders, such as binge eating disorder
  • Insufficient sleep
Symptoms of Obesity
  • Breathing disorders, such as sleep apnea and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Certain types of cancers, such as prostate and bowel cancer in men and breast and uterine cancer in women
  • Coronary artery (heart) disease
  • Depression
  • Gallbladder or liver disease
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Joint disease, such as osteoarthritis
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes (type 2)
  • Joint problems, for example arthritis
  • Heart disease
  • Heartburn
  • Snoring
  • Problems with fertility and pregnancy
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Shorter life expectancy
  • Negative self-image
  • Social isolation
  • Discrimination
  • Difficulty in undertaking normal tasks
  • Difficulty in maintaining personal hygiene
3.       SPIRULINA
8.       LECITHIN


Even the slightest disorder in abdomen can leave you with severe discomfort and sleepless nights. Abdominal tightness is no different and is seen as one of those health issues which irritate the most. Amazingly, there is no single reason behind it; abdominal tightness may result from number of reasons. Abdominal tightness or stomach tightening is the state in which the individual experiences uneasiness as a result of stomach pain, stomach cramping and even stomach bloating. Whatever may be the reason, it needs to be handled with full attention and care as the comfort of entire body rests on it. A thorough knowledge about the causes and treatment of abdominal tightness will help you get over it and be at ease. Follow the next sub-section where all the information is provided.

Causes Of Abdominal Tightness

Wrong Eating Habits
Wrong eating habits are the prime factors behind most of the stomach related health problems. Over-eating, intake of very spicy or oily food, and eating at wrong time usually results in abdominal tightness. It may also occur by the excessive intake of alcohol.


One of the most common causes for pain and abdominal tightness is constipation. When an individual experiences irregular bowel movements, usually less than 3 times a week, and that too very dry and dark in colour, the person is expected to have problem of constipation. You can be sure about constipation if the patient also experiences headache, bloating and gas along with infrequency in bowel movements.

Acute Gastritis
Caused by the intake of alcohol or certain medications like aspirin, or severe stress, acute gastritis is a rapid inflammation of the stomach lining. It is basically brought by a bacterial or viral infection. Tightening in abdomen, combined with pain, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite are some of the major symptoms of acute gastritis.

In the beginning of the intestine, there lies appendix, in the form of a big pouch. The abdomen tightening may occur due to swelling or inflammation in appendix caused by the blockage of feces. It is a serious medical condition and needs urgent medical action..

Diarrhoea can also be one of the possible reasons behind abdominal tightening. When diarrhoea catches an individual, it usually makes the stools very diluted and increases their frequency to a significant level. It also shows signs of fever, headache, nausea, loose stools (sometimes, with blood) along with pain and tightness in abdomen.

Bowel Obstruction
Bowel obstruction, which is directly related to the digestive system, also shows its impact in the form of abdominal tightness and significant pain. The varying types of obstruction in bowel largely depend upon the area of infection: in the large intestine or the small intestine. Usually caused by adhesion, injury, crohn’s disease, volvulus etc, bowel obstruction has abdominal tightness as its foremost symptom.

Lead Poisoning
Lead is known for its poisonous properties. Even a bit of its intake can cause severe health problems. Usually it gets in human system through contaminated water, air and also through utility products like cosmetics and paints. It causes several health problems that include vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach tightness, fatigue etc.

Pregnant women usually experience tightness in their abdomen. During early stages of pregnancy it occurs as an outcome of the increase in the amount of a hormone named as progesterone. During this period, pregnant women experience nausea, too much burping, headache, stomach bloating and tightened stomach.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Generally known as IBS, irritable bowel syndrome is a health problem related with the large intestine whose cause is yet to be identified. More often it is manifested in the form of abdominal tightness, though other symptoms include nausea, bloating, abdominal pain, gas, constipation or diarrhoea.

Strained Muscles
Most sportsmen experience the tightness in abdomen resulting from the severe injuries caused by the excessive physical activities like exercises or sports. It happens when one or more muscles of stomach get pulled or strained during physical activity.

Treatment Of Abdominal Tightness
Avoid oily and spicy food as much as you can. Set a time for meals and refrain from eating at late nights or at wrong times.
Chart a well-balanced diet and follow it properly. Include fibre-rich products which help in reducing gas and subsequent tightening in stomach.
Intake of plenty of clean water really does wonders with the digestive process. Make a habit of drinking 8-10 glasses of water every day.
When suffering from stomach tightening due to constipation or gas formation, take aloe vera juice, prune juice and other such relieving substances like broccoli, potatoes, yogurt, asparagus, flaxseed, almonds, honey, etc.
- Follow BRAT (Banana, Rice, Applesauce, and Toast) diet when abdominal tightness is due to diarrhoea. You should also take high-fluid content for fast recovery.
Take a spastic colon diet enriched in magnesium, folic acid and vitamin B6 abdominal tightness is due to irritable bowel syndrome. For this purpose, consume green leafy vegetables, whole wheat breads and cereals, beans, peas and carrots etc. in your food.
When the patient is pregnant, it is normal to have tightened stomach. In case of severe tightness and its continuation over a period of time, contact a doctor immediately.
The problem of acute gastritis can be easily taken cared of with the help of medication. Acidity and inflammation can be cured with the help of over-the-counter and prescription antacids.
One of the severe ailments causing tightness in stomach is appendicitis. The only way to get it treated is surgery.
If however, in a few days time (having followed the treatment) abdominal tightness, pain and discomfort, doesn’t subside then it is recommended that you get the condition diagnosed from a qualified medication professional.
1.      NG4L Noni capsules or  juice
2.      NG4L Aloe vera  soft gel or juice
3.      NG4L Super oat brand fiber
4.      NG4L  colon cleanser