Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Camo Pill---Tumor, Stasis, Breast Cancer, Enlarged Liver or Spleen


Camo Pills is a traditional formula for women with blood stasis such as fibroid or tumor in the chest or breast or abdomen. However it is also good for males or females whose liver & spleen are weak in function or blood circulation.

Function & Indications:
Activate the blood, remove blood stasis, disintegrate mass chiefly in the abdomen or uterus caused by blood stasis. Restore normal menstruation in cases of pathological anemia. Used for fibroid, anemia, suppressed menstruation, mass in the abdomen with fixed shape and localized pain, hepato-splenomegaly (enlarged liver and spleen), cirrhosis, tumor.

Administration and dosage: Take 1 pill each time, take 2 times daily.

Precaution: Don't use if pregnant.

3.0gx10 pills/box.

Storage: Keep in cool, dark & dry place

Mother Plus Tea---After-Birth healthcare

Active Ingredients:

Herba Leonuri extract, Brown Sugar

Mother Plus is well known for its benefits to women who just had a child- birth or miscarriage. It helps to promote menstrual blood flow and clear blood clots for menstrual disorder after childbirth. It has been used to correct delayed periods. Due to antispasmodic effects, Mother Plus also helps to restore uterine muscle tone after child-birth or miscarriage. It is also useful for relieving both the physical and emotional symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause.

For women who is weak because of child-birth or miscarriage. Typical symptoms are menstrual disorder, fatigue, weak uterine and vagina muscle, mental disorder and irregular heart beat.

Administration & dosage:
Oral use only, 15.0g (2 tablespoon) mixed with water to drink. Twice daily.

Women Formula II---Infertility & Menstrual Disorder

Women Formula II is an excellent tonic for women with menstrual disorders or fertility issues. It is also an ideal tonic to regularly supplement the blood and invigorating the body, face glowing with health, regulating menstruation and nourishing the face, keeps one younger.

Active Ingredients:
Gallus domesticus, Panax ginseng, Radix Astragali, Savia miltiorrhiza, Angelica sinensis, White Paeony Root, Ligusticum chuanxiong, Cervus nippon Temminck, Concha Ostreae,Rhizoma Cyperi.

Tonifies blood and QI, warms the uterus, nurtures yin, resolves stagnation of liver qi and blood. Use for menstrual disorders due to deficiency or cold, including amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, or infertility. Beneficial in post-partum fatigue. Effective for menstrual cramps and pre-menstrual syndrome due to blood deficiency, stagnation and congestion of liver qi. Also used for habitual dry cough or dry skin.

Menstrual disorders or fertility issues. It treats irregular menses due to blood deficiency, light menses, amenorrhea, postpartum fatigue, and infertility. It can also treat other blood deficiency symptoms like dizziness, dry skin & hair, fatigue, postural dizziness, pale complexion and tongue, poor memory.

Administration & dosage:
Oral use only, 1 pill each time, twice daily.

Precaution: Don't use if pregnant.

Specification: 5.5 g by 10 pills per bottle

Prostasure Tablet---Prostate Enlargement

Function & Indications:
Helps promote urinary flow. Eliminates the nagging discomfort & inconvenience. Helps maintain a healthy prostate & a healthy urinary system. Maintain a healthy prostate gland, conditions prostate gland functions, circulates blood, stop pains and inflammation. Use for Prostate hyperplasia, prostatitis, and the symptoms as urinary frequency, precipitant urination, pain in urination, drip after urination, urethra dripping white, etc.

Administration and dosage:
Orally take 4 tablets per time, 3 times daily.

Specification: 60 tablets/ bottle

Men Formula Pills---Low Sperm Count & Infertility Active Ingredients


Men Formula Pills---Low Sperm Count & Infertility

Active Ingredients:
Fructus Lycii, Semen Cuscutae, Fructus Rubi, Fructus Schisandraw, Semen Plantaginis

Function & Indications:
Treats deficiency syndrome of the kidney, treat low sperm, seminal mission, backache, premature ejaculation, impotence & sterility.

Administration and dosage:
For oral use only, 2 times daily, 20 pills in the morning, 20 pills in the evening, before meals. 30 days as a treatment course.

Specification: 63g per bottle.

Vigo Capsule---Sexual Weakness (Quick Action)

Vigo Capsule is a 100% herbal product based on a secret formula from China. The pure natural formula will improve sexual potency, enhance one's energy and endurance level.

Active Ingredients: (Each Capsule)
Asian Red Ginseng         - 225mg
Cervi Pantotrichum      - 25mg
Epimedium Leaf Extract - 100mg
Syzyium Aromaticum      - 50mg

Function & Indications:
To reinforce the vital energy, strengthen sexual function. Use for Sexual weakness, impotence, premature ejaculation and those who just wish to improve their sexual performance.

Precautions: For adult males only. Prohibited from people with severe Hypertension & Heart diseases

Administration and dosage:
Take it orally with water. Two capsules each time, two hours before sex. Once a day or when necessary.

Specification: 375mg per capsule, 16 capsules per bottle.

What you need to know about Fibroids

Fibroids are benign growths that, while bothersome, are rarely life–threatening. In women who do not get relief from medications or diet changes, surgical options are available, depending on whether future pregnancy is desired.Uterine


Fibroids may be suspected from the patient history, and a bimanual pelvic exam often confirms the diagnosis. The uterus is generally enlarged, mobile, and asymmetric. Extremely large fibroids may cause a palpable uterus on abdominal exam. Findings can be confirmed by imaging studies.
Transvaginal ultrasound can be used to detect and localize fibroids. However, for women with large uteri or more than 4 fibroids, it is less precise than MRI.4
Sonohysterography can better characterize submucosal fibroids than transvaginal ultrasound.
Pelvic MRI best localizes all types of fibroids, accurately assesses their size, and distinguishes fibroids from other growths (eg, adenomyomas, leiomyosarcomas). However, expense should be taken into consideration.
Hysterosalpingography is best reserved for fertility evaluations. It defines the contour of the endometrium and patency of the fallopian tubes.
Hysteroscopy provides direct visualization inside the uterus and can diagnose submucosal fibroids.
Remember  Fibroid tumors are tissue growths, and even though they are described as tumors, they are not related to cancer. Fibroid tumors usually grow in the womb or uterus wall. Although fibroids eventually get smaller and disappear after menopause, there are ways in which you can manage them before you reach menopause. If you are looking for ways to prevent fibroid tumors, consider the following steps, and remember that in order to prevent fibroids, you need to improve your overall health, so be prepared to make some changes.
How to cope with fibroids
1.      Understand that you will have to change your diet if you want to avoid getting fibroid tumors. Ideally, you should meet with your doctor regarding the dietary steps you wish to take in eradicating and preventing fibroid tumors.
  • Eat primarily fish and eliminate meats from your diet. This is because fish such as tuna, salmon and mackerel calm swollen tissue.
·  Weaken levels of estrogen in your system by consuming 1 serving of beans at least once a day. Doing so will hinder fibroid tumors from growing. Examples include kidney beans, lima beans, black beans, pinto beans and split peas.

·  Cut out the unhealthy, sugary, processed and fast foods from your usual diet, and replace these with high fiber foods such as raw fruits and vegetables. The digestive enzymes in fiber assists in the removal of fibrin, an insoluble blood clotting protein
-          Reduce red meat consumption. Available evidence suggests that women who eat more than one serving per day of red meat have a 70% greater risk for uterine myoma, compared with women who eat the least. Women who eat more than one serving per day of green vegetables have a 50% lower risk.10 However, this study should be repeated by other independent investigators before diet is assumed to be effective for preventing or treating fibroids.

-          Alcohol. Alcohol appears to increase the risk for fibroids. This risk is positively correlated with the number of years of alcohol intake and specifically with beer consumption. Compared with women who abstained from alcohol, those who had one or more drinks of beer per day had more than a 50% increased risk for leiomyomata. Avoid alcohol, saturated fats and bleached white flour. These are all toxins to the body that promote the growth of fibroids.

2 . Refrain from using birth control pills, hormone replacement drugs, spermicides, and anything else that increases the level of estrogen in your system. Increased estrogen promotes fibroid tumor growth.

3 Reduce stress levels by incorporating stress relief methods. Too much stress can cause fibroids because anxiety diminishes the body's progesterone levels, resulting in a natural estrogen increase. It is important to relieve stress on a daily basis which will shrink existing fibroid tumors as well as prevent more from growing. Additionally, getting sufficient sleep is necessary to relieving stress.

4 Begin an exercise regimen that helps you lose weight, if needed, and then helps maintain a healthy weight. You could combine this with your need to reduce stress by taking up yoga or Tai Chi.
-                     Weight gain. A greater number of women with fibroids are obese, compared with the general population.11 In the Black Women’s Health Study, the relationship between fibroids and obesity appeared to be “J–shaped.” Compared with the thinnest women (body mass index [BMI] <20 kg/m2), risk appears to increase gradually in women with a BMI of 20 to 22.4 (34% increased risk), to a maximum risk in women with a BMI of 27.5 to 29.9 (47% increased risk), before falling in the most obese group (20% increased risk).

5 Talk to your doctor about taking a digestive enzyme supplements that assists in the break down and removal of fibrin, thus speeding up the fibroid tumor eradication process

Supplements  you can  use for  fibroids life camo pill
2. red peony
3. ng4l fibro clear
4. ng4l Nsfibrin
5. ng4l black strap molasses
6.Organo gold  green tea
7. Ganoderma


Red Peony Capsule—Fibroid, Stasis & Uterine Bleeding

Main Ingredients:
Cinnamon Twig, Poria Cocos, Mouton Peony bark, Red Peony, Persica Seed, White Peony root.

Function & Indications:
Remove fixed abdominal masses, painful Blood Stasis in the uterus; invigorates Blood. Related indications: Fibroid, other hard lumps in lower abdomen with pain, distention or spasms; painful and spasmodic menstruation; pain from endometriosis; irregular menstruation; menopausal disorder; blood stasis after miscarriage.

Administration & dosage:
Oral use only, 3 capsules per time after meal, 3 times daily. 6 bottles as a course. Don’t take it during menstrual period or during pregnancy. Don’t take fried, spicy or sugary food during usage.

Specification: 32omg X 90 capsules/ bottle.

Storage: keep in cool, dark & dry place

THE GREEN LIFE MAT THERAPY(Healthy life starts from the Feet)

 10 minutes: Blood and Qi movement is better, You will feel relaxed and active.
15 days: Blood pressure will be normal and stable, stronger legs, better defecation; energetic, and better sleep.
30 days: Better heart and lung function, all your body condition will be refreshed.

It can assist medicine to cure most of difficult diseases, like: Stroke, High BP, Heart Disease, Obesity, Liver Problem, Diabetes Headache, Insomnia, Piles, Sexual Weakness, Kidney Problem……

Why is it so wonderful?

1. Different location on feet in connection with different organs or system in your body
2. Greenlife Feet mas mat match precisely on the spots on the bottom of feet.

Usage: it is very flexible, you can do the massage anytime anyplace indoor, office, bedroom or living room. Just step on it, walk or mark or gently jump on it. One time for 10 to 30 minutes. Do as frequently as you can.

Precautions: Pregnant women are not advised to use, bleeding patients can’t use it. Other severe patients and aged people should use under supervision.

Specification: 175cm by 35cm

To order call: 08188576603

Health Benefit of Lemon Tea

if you love green tea then you would also love this  do you know you can jazz it up by adding a few drops of fresh lemon juice. If you wish to know the different health benefits of lemon tea, then continue reading to learn more.

Lemon tea helps to eliminate harmful toxins from the blood that are produced as end products of different metabolic activities. By removing the toxins from the blood, lemon tea helps keep the body system clean.

Lemon tea acts as a great energy booster. It refreshes the mind and body and helps you get a new start to carry on with your work.
The lemon is loaded with natural antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiviral properties and thus helps to fight different infections and diseases. Lemon tea is particularly good to combat the common cold.

Lemon tea has a soothing effect on the stomach. If you are suffering from digestion problems, then drink a cup of hot steaming lemon tea as it will help you get some relief.

The natural antioxidant property of the lemon helps to eliminate harmful toxins from the blood. This reduces the risk of developing cancer. Plus, it also promotes a clear skin and helps fight off signs of aging.
Lemon tea acts as a purifying agent, and to get maximum benefits from it drink lemon tea early in the mornings.

Drinking lemon tea early in the morning helps you to stay fresh throughout the day, plus it also boosts your metabolic rate.
If you are on any weight loss diet program, then lemon tea is particularly beneficial for you.

Are you feeling weary and tired? If yes, just sip a cup of hot steaming lemon tea. There is nothing like hot lemon tea that provides you energy instantly and refreshes your body.

Iced lemon tea is particularly good during summers. A glass of lemon tea during hot summer months charges you up instantly.

Lemon is rich in vitamin C which has cleansing properties, plus, studies have shown that vitamin C also helps to slow down symptoms of arthritis.

If you are a green tea lover, just add a few drops of lemon juice to it! Not only you will love the taste, but the health benefits you get from lemon green tea are enormous. When lemon juice is added to green tea it boosts its antioxidant property, as the combination of lemon juice with green tea complement each other very well.

Now that you are familiar with the different lemon tea benefits, next time you feel tired just try lemon tea. 

You are definitely going to love it!

XoXo Da pretty herbalist

Benefits of Green tea

Tea, the famous of all beverages, has numerous varieties one of which is the ancient Chinese traditional tea known as ‘green tea’. Green tea originated thousands of years back as a part of early cultivation yields in China and India. It was used in ancient China for medicinal purposes, to ease the feeling of depression and also to treat headaches. This traditional tea has today become quite popular around the globe because of its refreshing and medicinal properties. Green tea goes through minimal oxidation during the processing period, making it one of the healthiest and most popular of all teas available in the market. It has a light and refreshing flavour and is lime yellow in colour. Its herbal taste refreshes a person and takes away all the tensed feeling thereby relaxing and soothing the person. Let us discuss about few major nutritional benefits of green tea and understand the properties in the tea that help provide these nutritional benefits to a regular user.
                             Health Benefits Of Green Tea
Green tea is rich in catechin polyphenols, especially epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) which is a powerful antioxidant that helps in slowing down the aging process. This particular chemical not only prevents the growth of cancer cells, but also kills cancer cells without any harm to the healthy tissues. EGCG also lowers the bad cholesterol levels thereby eradicating any risk of blocking in the blood vessels. This particular tannic acid in tea also prohibits abnormal blood clotting, known as thrombosis.
Green tea is a rich source of various vitamins like A, D, E, C, B, B5, H and K. Green tea also contains good amount of amino acids, protein, caffeine, folic acid and fluoride.
Green tea is the best beverage for facilitating the weight loss process, since it enhances the fat oxidation and increases the body’s metabolic rate. Green tea provides energy to the body and speeds up the metabolic rate of the body.
Green tea is completely fat free. It is free from any saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated or trans fat.
Green tea contains 27mg of potassium, 3 mg of sodium, 3 mg of calcium, 2 mg of magnesium and small amounts of copper, iron and manganese, fulfilling the mineral requirements for the beverage.
The amino acids present in green tea have excellent tissue repairing quality which also help in the production of antibodies, bile acids, few essential enzymes, haemoglobin, hormones, milk proteins in nursing mothers, glutathione and cytochrome, melanin, plasma proteins, purine and pyrimidine. Amino acid also facilitates the creation of rhodypsin and urea in the body.
Fluorides that prevent dental cavities and decay by eradicating bacteria like Streptococcus mutans are also richly present in the green beverage.
Green tea is prescribed by the doctors for pregnant women because of the presence of folic acid in it. Drinking a cup of green tea before a meal will prove to be beneficial for an expecting mother since it increases the metabolic rate of the body and enhances fat oxidation.
Green tea also helps the immune system fight against various heart complications and cancer. Green tea is even good for patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, since it strengthens the immunity of the body.
Research shows that around 70% of people vulnerable to Alzheimer’s disease stop experiencing the symptoms once they started consuming green tea on a daily basis.
Green tea also prevents diabetes and its symptoms. It is also capable of showing 30 per cent reduction in the life-threatening disease and helps the body to create insulin in adequate amount.
Another research reveals that about 85% of chemotherapy patients concluded that a cup of green tea every day provides them the capacity to control the symptoms of nausea and make them feel more revitalized after the chemotherapy and radiation.
 Suugestion: Organo gold green tea

Green world Product Description

Stimulator for men, Prolong sex duration, enhance sexual function
Renew Your Passion
- This product can increase sexual stamina, relieve premature ejaculation
effectively, spermatozoa, flaccid erection and other erectile difficulties
caused by either physical or psychological factors.

Stimulator for women, Promote sexual capacity and readiness
- This product can increase individuality, energy and vitality, stimulate
sexual excitement, shorten the time to e horny, relieve the flaccid and dry
state of Vagina and relieve pain and discomfort in sexual activities.

vig Power capsules
-         Increases  sperm production and improves  quality
-         Increases  sperm  count
-         Maintains  healthy blood and  oxygen supply  to the manhood
-         Alleviates  sexual and  erectile  dysfunction
-         Treats pre-mature  ejaculation and  prolongs erection time
-         Regulates low-sex drive
-         No  side  effects

-it’s a detoxifier
-it is used effectively for weight
- It stops and blocks excess absorption of cholesterol
- lowers blood sugar and stops constipation
-it reduces blood fat and blood sugar in the body
Enhance beauty, adjust blood pressure and lipids

Cordyceps plus Capsules:
-It is a health care capsules capable of preventing health problems
-It is good for cardio vascular and respiratory diseases, it relieves the lung deficiency syndrome e.g. fatigue from cough, short breath, asthma, tuberculosis
-It is also good for metabolism (aid in the healing of renal injury)
-it can also be use for the treatments of infections, stomach aches, pre-mature ejaculation, and cancer
-it can improve the metabolic condition of the liver, kidney and lungs and helps to reduce the excretion of internal toxic loads of those organs,
Cordyceps basically promotes health of -all as its strengthens the immune system, also a good combination in the treatment of infertility, weak erection and premature ejaculation
Ginseng Rhs capsules:
-boost vitality
-quickly strengthens the body defense system (immunity)
- rebuilds damaged immune system and nourishes the brain
- Highly effective for cancer cells.
- It treats more than 40 types of cancers and increase white blood cells

-improves sexual activities of both sexes
Intestine cleansing tea:
Prevents unpleasant breath, balances and supplements, promotes bowel movements, a cleanser and detoxifier etc
- I-shine-good for insomnia if combined with lecithin
- It calms the nerves, hasten sleep and has obvious effect on insomnia.
- It improves mental involvement, enhances brain function and boosts memory.
- It promotes growth of nerves cell , and blood circulation.
- It improves immune system and enhances the muscle, bone and nourishes the
- It improves the function of liver and kidney.
- It is effective in recognizing virus, tumor abscess and cure tissues injury.
Kuding plus tea:
-regulates body weight
-lowers blood lipid including cholesterol

-promotes blood circulation

-can be used to disperse wind-heat

- Clears the head and eyes and resolves toxin thus can be used for

Cold, red eyes, calms fidgeting etc

Promotes the secretion of insulin
Lowers  high cholesterol, prevents  obesity therefore can  be  used  for weight loss, beautifies the  skin, relieves symptoms of  menopause, it’s an  anti-stress, increases energy level and  helps  a lot  in damaged immune system
Detoxifier, Protects the liver from damaging toxins,
Improves circulation of the blood flow to the liver etc

Malapower: treatments/prevention of malaria

Meal cellulose:
-         Helps  regulates  the  body weight thereby  preventing obesity
-         It  prevents the absorption of  excess cholesterol
-         Improves the  function of the intestine, nourishes and helps excrement
-         Reduces  blood  sugar
-         Eliminates toxins  from the  body, nourishes the  face  and  skins ,a combination in other  weight loss  supplements

Compound marrow:
Promotes and strengthens the immune system
Regulates blood fats, good for the bones, relieves sore waist and back pain, regulates blood pressure, resists fatigue, contains ingredients for the eyes

Pine pollen tea:
Helps relaxation, neutralizes the effects of alcoholic drinks, cleanser and detoxifier, promotes sleep, boost energy, and relieves fatigue, an anti-oxidant ,

Propolis plus capsules:
Eliminates waste hung unto blood vessels and toxins
Strengthens the immune system
Reduces blood blood fat, sugar level and adjust blood pressure, removes patches from the skin, treats gastric ulcer and eliminates toxin from the body to increase energy level

Pro-slim tea:
This product  is  a natural  herbal blend  with  ingredients  like: lotus leaf, cassia tora, mulberry, bitter  orange  fruit  etc
-its plays significant role in weight managements
-prevents the absorption of fat in the body
-it speeds up the breaking down of fats
-it makes you vigorous
-it has no side effects

Protein powder:
- prevents skin loosening and muscles weakness, good for diabetes
-aids  the  formation of  enzymes, aids  metabolism, renews  human  tissues including  injured  ones and  ideal support to  high blood  pressure and  cardiovascular diseases

Slimming capsules:
-this basically  for  people  who want  to  lose  weight, without  food  restrictions and don’t  have  time  to  exercise
-it’s  a  natural floral formula which  helps  you  lose weight  safely  with  no  complications or  side  effects
-it lowers the cholesterol to keep you healthy
-improves your immunity
-prevents the symptoms associated with obesity pains. Bad cholesterol, tiredness etc.

Soy power:
chinese traditional herbal remedy that assists the body in maintaining healthy menstruation
Regulates the female hormones,
Prevents decline of ovary’s functions, Increases vagina secretion
Reduces the loss of bone due to menstruation, child bearing and aging
This product is recommend for every woman irrespective of age especially from  25yrs upward, also good for the treatment of fibroid and infertility in women:

Spirulina plus capsules:
Its rich  in  nutrients positively can be  used  for  diabetes, gastric  ulcer,obesity,immune deficiency, side  effects  resulting  from chemo  or  radio  therapy, revives and  recuperate from fatigue caused  by over activity, insomnia and  wound  healing,also for the  treatment of  pile and  ulcer

- It nourishes the brain, very useful for brighter eyes and retard aging.
- It speeds up nerves and makes memory very strong.
- It prevents blood clotting thrombosis and lowers high blood pressure