What does low sperm means?
Low sperm count means that the fluid (semen) you release during a climax contains fewer sperm than its supposed to. The medical term for low sperm count is called oligospermia. Nonetheless, many men who have low sperm count are still able to father a child. Men find it hard to talk about this, and often times blame their wives for the inability to get pregnant, meanwhile, they are the source of the problem. So I strongly advise couples to get tested if infertility issues arise.
Causes of Low Sperm Count: These are some of the causes:
Too much sex.
Illegal drug use.
Alcohol Intake.
Cigarette smoking.
Emotional imbalance/stress
Weight: Obesity.
Exposure to radiation/x-rays.
Lack of exercise & Poor diet.
Varicocele( internal factors)
Heat: eg . Soaking in a bathtub full of hot water can almost halt sperm production completely.
Pain in the testicle.
Decreased facial & body hair.
Sexual Malfunctioning: inability to maintain an erection.
Inability to conceive even after regular, unprotected s*xual intercourse with your partner.
Treatments for low sperm count include:
Herbal supplements
Simple treatments like switching to a high protein, low-fat diet, and timing intercourse.
Ejaculating less may lead to stronger sperm.
Treating infections.
Hormone treatments and medications.
Assisted reproductive technology (ART). ART treatments involve obtaining sperm through normal Release, surgical extraction or from donor individuals, depending on your specific case and wishes. The sperm is then inserted into the female private part tract, or used for in vitro fertilization or intracytoplasmic sperm injection.
Supposing treatment doesn’t work, don’t lose hope, adoption or using a sperm donor are available
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
Low sperm counts
Vagina yeast infection
*Vaginal Yeast Infection* also known as candidiasis, is a common condition.
A *healthy vagina* contains good bacteria called Lactobacillus that keeps the growth of bacteria in check and some yeast cells.
If there's an imbalance in your system, these bacteria won’t work effectively.
This leads to an overgrowth of yeast, which causes the symptoms of vaginal yeast infections.
Symptoms of Vaginal Yeast Infection are :
• Vaginal itching
• Swelling around the vagina
• Burning during urination or sex
• Pain during sex
• Soreness
• Redness
• Rash
• Vaginal discharge i.e White cottage cheese or watery. .
Usually the length of time your yeast infection is left untreated has a direct impact on how severe your symptoms may become.
Treating a Vaginal Yeast Infection can relieve symptoms within a few days. In more severe cases, it may take up to two weeks.
Vaginal Yeast Infections aren’t considered a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI). Sexual contact can spread it, but women who aren’t sexually active can also get them. Once you get a yeast infection, you’re also more likely to get another one if not properly managed. .
If you recognize that you have this above mentioned symptoms or you’re having recurring Vaginal Yeast Infections or problems getting rid of a Yeast Infection with prescribed drug. .
Contact us To Purchase treatment kit for treating Vaginal Yeast infection #enjoy the rest of your day #daprettyherbist
Sunday, 5 August 2018
Our jagaban roots promo is still on and gradually coming to an end buy 4 packs of roots @34k and get 1 pack free!!
Functions of roots: anti-fatigue, improves circulation, vitality and health
Improves and prevents the deplete of man's sexual function
Who can use roots: men with busy lifestyle who are easily fatigued, kidney deficiency, who have difficulty having erections and men with small and short manhood
Friday, 6 July 2018
This is usually called male sickness that affects the Prostate Gland. It is on the rise today in Nigeria. Research has shown that men above the age of 40years are prone to having this ailment.
What is a Prostate Gland?
This is chestnut-shaped male organ located next to the bladder and surrounding the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the penis). The prostate gland produces a secretion known as prostate fluid that makes up most of the liquid part of semen, which is discharged from the penis during sexual orgasm. Measuring about 3 cm across, the prostate gland is composed of both glandular tissue that produces prostate fluid and muscle tissue that helps in male ejaculation. Prostate fluid also helps to keep sperm, which is found in semen, healthy and lively, thereby increasing the chances of fertilization of the female egg.
There are a variety of prostate disorders that commonly afflict men of all ages. The most common prostate disease is benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a noncancerous condition. We also have prostate cancer. We will look at BPH only in this post.
It occurs in approximately 70 to 80 percent of men from 40 years and above. In BPH, the prostate gland can increase in size from 20 g which is the average size of the prostate in younger men, to as large as 150 g. As the prostate grows, it constricts the urethra, possibly causing a partial obstruction of the bladder. Such obstruction may lead to bladder wall thickening and urination problems.
Symptoms such as:
Frequent urination
Nighttime urination
A feeling of urgency to urinate,
Blood presents in urine
Burning sensation while urinating
A sudden inability to urinate
Pelvic pain
Difficulty emptying the bladder and a weak urinary stream are the most common problems men encounter from prostate enlargement.
When you notice the above symptoms, the first thing to do is to see your doctor and get a prostate examination. Although the early symptoms of BPH and Prostate cancer are same, however, having BPH does not increase your risk for prostate cancer.
There are several treatment options for BPH, including medications that either shrink the prostate gland or relax the smooth muscle in the prostate gland to alleviate the obstruction of the bladder. Surgery is also available in some cases.
Alternative treatment- Chinese herbal products.
Effective treatment of BPH is also available with Chinese herbal drugs. Green life Herbal Network has products like
-Prostasure tablet,
-kordy capsule,
-Men formula
Or the NG4L prostrate care package etc for treatment of this illness.
How to avoid BPH
Maintaining a healthy life style- healthy weight, exercise regularly, eat balance plant based diet, a lot of vegetables, fruits, whole grain and beans.
Thursday, 5 July 2018
Benefits of bitter leaf
This is a very popular plant in Nigeria and in South America. It grows everywhere in the tropics and it is a homely plant. Its Botanical name is VERNONIA AMYGDALINA. The Igbo calls it ONUGBO, the Yoruba calls it EWURO and the Hausa calls it SHIWAKA……it has others names in other dialects in Nigeria. Bitter leaf is used mostly is as a vegetable in Igbo land for the delicious ONUGBO Soup, while the Yoruba’s use it more as a medicine. The fact is that bitter herbs are good for the body. Bitter herbs help to tone the vital organs of the body, especially the kidney and the liver. Bitter leaves should always be taken fresh. Nigerians eat a lot of bitter leaf, but they often squeeze out the bitter extract from the leaves before eating it. What is left then is mere chaff, with little or no medicinal value. That bitter extract or juice is the main medicinal element of the leaf. Here are some of the health benefits of juicing your bitter leaf:
• Improves digestion
• Internal cleansing
• Helps with diabetes – it reduces sugar level drastically
• A great remedy for stomach ache
• Stimulates the gut wall’s self-repair mechanism
• Increases energy levels
• Fights fatigue and exhaustion
• Calms the nerves and strengthens muscles
• Nourishes the skin • Soothes Arthritis
• Combats Insomnia
• Helps sooth pile
• Relieves fever and feverish conditions. Bitter leaf is readily found everywhere. This is obviously one of the very simple, inexpensive natural herbs you can use to ensure your optimum health and well-being! Top five Health Benefit of Bitter Life
1. It lowers the risk of breast cancer- , According to research publications in Feb, 2004 edition of Experimental Biology and medicine biter leaf consumption lowers the risk of breast cancer. 2. Lowers cholesterol- Experiment conducted during a study with animals shows that bitter leaf extract decreased bad cholesterol by nearly half and increased good cholesterol. No studies yet on how it will effect human body cholesterol.
3. Lymphatic cleans – It helps the body protect against health dangers of cigarette smoke and other harmful smokes like Okada, cars and industrial smokes .
4. It contains essential fatty acids that the body does not produce – linocenic and linoleic acid. A study published in the American Journal of clinical Nutrition states that large consumption of the two acids, brings people at the lowest risk of developing cardiovascular diseases when compared to those who did not.
5. High Antioxidants – It has antioxidant properties that help fight diseases.
PILES, are very common in Nigeria as studies have shown that 1 of every 10 Nigerians suffer pile . According to Medical news today, Piles are hemorrhoids that become inflamed. Hemorrhoids are masses, clumps, cushions of tissue in the anal canal – they are full of blood vessels, support tissue, muscle and elastic fibers. Hemorrhoid, small swelling, occurring in or around the rectum or at the anus, caused by enlargement of the superficial vein. Although hemorrhoids are thought of as unpleasant inflammations, we all have them. It is when the hemorrhoidal cushions become too big (inflamed) that problems occur – when this happens they are called piles or pathological hemorrhoids.
Types of pile?
Piles can be of various sizes and may be internal (inside the anus) or external ones (outside the anus).
Typically, internal piles occur from 2 to 4cm above the opening of the anus.
External piles (perianal hematoma) occur on the outside edge of the anus. The internal ones are much more common.
What are the signs and symptoms of piles?
In most cases piles are not serious and go away on their own after a few days. An individual with piles may experience the following symptoms
• A hard lump may be felt around the anus. It consists of coagulated blood, called a thrombosed external hemorrhoid. This can be painful
• After going to the toilet, a feeling that the bowels are still full
• Bright red blood after a bowel movement
• Itchiness around the anus
• Mucus discharge when emptying the bowels
• Pain while defecating
• The area around the anus may be red and sore.
Internal hemorrhoids are classified into four grades;
• Grade 1 – there are small inflammations, usually inside the lining of the anus. They are not visible
• Grade 2 – larger than grade 1 hemorrhoids, but also inside the anus. When passing a stool, they may get pushed out, but return unaided
• Grade 3 – often called ‘prolapsed hemorrhoids’; these appear outside the anus. The patient may feel them hanging out. They can be pushed back in if the patient presses with their finger
• Grade 4 – these cannot be pushed back in and need to be treated by a doctor. They are large and stay outside the anus all the time.
External hemorrhoids are called perianal hematoma.
These are small lumps that are located on the outside edge of the anus. They are very itchy and can be painful if a blood clot forms inside (thrombosed external hemorrhoid). Thrombosed external hemorrhoid requires medical treatment straight away
Why do piles occur?
The blood vessels around the anus and in the rectum will stretch under pressure and may swell or bulge. Inflamed veins (hemorrhoids) can develop when pressure increases in the lower rectum. This may be due to:
• Chronic constipation
• Chronic diarrhea
• Lifting heavy weights
• Pregnancy
• Straining when passing a stool.
The tendency to develop hemorrhoids may also be inherited. The risk of developing piles grows with age.
Diagnosing piles
A doctor can usually diagnose piles after carrying out a physical examination, examining the patient’s anus.
The doctor may ask the following questions:
• Do any close relatives (parents, siblings) have piles?
• Has there been any blood on the stools?
• Has there been any mucus on the stools?
• Has there been any recent weight loss?
• Have bowel movements changed recently?
• What color are the stools?
For internal hemorrhoids, the doctor may perform a digital rectal examination (DRE) or use a proctoscope – a hollow tube fitted with a light. The proctoscope allows the doctor to see the anal canal and take a small tissue sample from inside the rectum, which can be sent to the lab for analysis.
If the physician is presented with signs and symptoms which may suggest another digestive system disease, risk factors for colorectal cancer, and some other factors, he/she may recommend ordering an examination of the colon using colonoscopy.
Complications associated to piles
Anemia – hemorrhoids can sometimes cause long-term blood loss, which may lead to anemia.
Stangulated hemorrhoid – the blood supply to an internal hemorrhoid is cut off, causing severe pain, and even gangrene (death of tissue).
What are the treatment options for piles?
In the majority of cases, piles resolve on their own without the need for any treatment; effectively treated with over-the-counter medications, a good fluid intake, and by following a diet high in fiber. In severe cases, the piles may have to be surgically removed. About 10% of patients who go and see their doctor about piles eventually require surgical intervention.
In the majority of cases,. Treatments can help significantly reduce the discomfort and itching that many patients experience. It can be by orthodox and Alternative medicine treatment.
A good doctor will initially recommend some lifestyle changes.
Diet – piles can be caused by too much straining when doing bowel movements, which is the result of constipation. A change in diet can help keep the stools regular and soft. This involves eating more fiber, such as fruit and vegetables, or switching your cereal breakfast to bran.
Water is the best drink, and the patient may be advised to increase his/her water consumption. Some experts say too much caffeine is not good.
Body weight – if the patient is obese, losing weight may help reduce the incidence and severity of hemorrhoids.
Simple things you can do yourself to help prevent piles:
• Try not to strain when you go to the toilet
• Avoid laxatives
• Exercise.
Ointments, creams, pads and other OTC medications – there are some over-the-counter (OTC) medications which help soothe the redness and swelling around the anus area. Some of them contain witch hazel, hydrocortisone, or some other active ingredient which can relieve symptoms of itching and pain. It is important to remember that they do not cure piles, they only treat the symptoms. Do not use them for more than seven consecutive days – longer periods may irritate the anus area and cause skin thinning. Unless advised to by your doctor, do not use two or more medications simultaneously.
Alternative Medical treatment combinations from either
Greenlife Herbal Network or Ng4L has highly effective products to cure piles, namely,
Heam pill, Double Ginseng , Kordy and Alovera.
Types of fibroids
Types of fibroid
there are various types of fibroids •Intramural-grows on d walls of womb
•Subserosal -grows outside d womb wall
•Submucosal -grows on d inside womb
•Pedunculated fibroid-grows on stalks.
Effects of Fibroid •miscarriage
Oestrogen dominance is d cause of fibroid, breast cancer etc.
Taking contraceptives flood the body with o estrogen..including junk foods, poultry, aerosol,cosmetics etc.
Medical surgery of removing fibroid is very expensive, life-threatening. And sometimes, they’re not able to accommodate fetus…INFERTILITY!
Here’s a very healthy, cost-effective & natural organic way to evacuate fibroid without any harm to your body anatomy. Imagine you giving birth to
lumps! That’s what happen.
COMBINATION THERAPY involves product of biotechnology & scientific distillation according to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory. This regulate
the “yin & yang to balance, dredge governor vessel,replenish yin & blood to clear heat, eliminate waste& toxins in d body etc.. This helps for:
•clearing & detoxification
•removes necrosis & promote granulation, repair
damaged birth canal, regain elasticity etc
•restores vigor, sexual desire, postpone menopause,relieve vaginal dryness
•beautify & nourishing, anti-aging, bring out infinite charm of a woman
•ovarian & reproductive issues
•infections/unpleasant odor
•boost fertility
•all gynecological issues
After fixing these issues, all you need every month afterwards is maintenance to keep you healthy and protected from future regrowth. You probably would feel like a near-virgin again..smooth and a woman!
So depending on the size, number and location of the fibroid so ensure you run test to answer all these questions.
Have u seen live fibroid “birthed” before?
I want to know which is your challenge and please specify and be true to self.
Ensure you forward this to friends, sisters,colleague…
Someone health is in danger & sad!
(Don’t ignore this post please!) Call/Whatsapp us today
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
Symptoms of fibroids
Symptoms of Fibroids
The symptoms depend on the size, number, location and pathological findings.
Important symptoms are…
*Abnormal bleeding And Abdominal discomfort
*Heavy or painful periods
*Excessive length of menstruation
*Lower back pain
*A sensation of fullness or pressure in the abdominal area
*Interference with other organs and
nerves due to their large sizes pressing on them
*Urinary frequency or retention, back
ache, and in some cases infertility
*Pain may be experienced during sexual intercourse depending on the location of the fibroids.
Fibroids may also be the cause of the following during pregnancy –
*Painful intercourse
*premature labour
*interference with position of fetus
Furthermore, it causes broken marriage, loss of job, tiredness, leanness due to shortage of
blood and sadness.
Let’s begin the process today!
Call/Whatsapp: 08188576603
Monday, 2 July 2018
Please note your payments validates order
For now Payments are made directly to any of my personal accounts as we are currently having issues with our business account,payment can only be received in the following banks and all accounts has the same name
Access Bank
First bank
Zenith bank and
Uba Bank
Cash on delivery only applies to only ikeja axis
Orders outside ikeja and Lagos State is strictly payments delivery
Pick-up option at opebi is strictly by appointments
Thanks for your understanding and Cooperation
Da pretty herbalist
Sperm leakage
SPERM LEAKAGE Can A Woman Still Conceive If Sperm Leaks Out After Having Sex?
Sperm leakage or dripping is a big concern to couples having problem conceiving. It is common to worry when you notice that your partner’s sperm leaks out of you after having intercourse. If all the sperm is leaking out, won’t that negatively affect your chances of conceiving? The good news is that that semen leakage does not dampen your chances of getting pregnant at all. In fact, Planned Parenthood explains that once the sperm has entered your body, there is virtually nothing that you can do to get the sperm out again. They are in there . Semen and Sperm – some difference When your partner ejaculates in you, the semen is a combination of sperm (only about 2-5% of the total volume) and other liquids from your partner’s reproductive system which help energize and keep the sperm safe from sometimes the harsh vaginal ecosystem . The leakage of the semen after sex is not abnormal and happens with every lady. Can Women become Pregnant even after leakage ? You can still certainly become pregnant, even if it feels like ‘everything’ is coming out afterwards. The strongest and fastest sperm will have stayed behind and be well on their way to fertilize your egg by the time you stand up or go to the bathroom after having sex. While it is worrisome, you only need one very strong and quick sperm to fertilize your egg. For a man with normal sperm count, each ejaculation has at least 20 million sperm in it! This means that even if most of the sperm does leak out of you, there will still be a large number of sperm still swimming around inside you However the following can be detrimental to couples trying to conceive .
1, Infection
2, sperm quality
3, Stress
If you have an untreated bacterial or fungal stds It can cause inflammation in the pelvic and tracts leading to the uterus and distort the flow of sperm to the area and cause conception problem . Yeast infection creates a very acidic environment for the sperm to thrive and therefore destroys the sperm and make it difficult for fertilization to take place. Quality of the male sperm is very important in conception too.the motility of the sperm cells are of utmost importance. When the sperm analysis shows that the sperm has more immobile sperm cells, then there is a problem. The less active motile sperm cells a man has, the more difficult it is for the sperm to make it through the cervix after ejaculation. A sluggish and tired sperm will not be able to swim through the cervices to the Fallopian tube to fertilize the egg The better the quality of the sperm the better their chances of making it through after sex and also for conception to take place . Many men blame on their wives and refuse to run sperm analysis. It is a wise thing to do the needful if need be and stop blaming your wife. Go run a test and know the status of your sperm. Eat vegetables, cucumber, fruits such as avocados, banana , watermelon, nuts such as tiger nuts and walnuts to improve the quality of your sperm. Stress is also an enemy to getting pregnant . Though for a woman looking for a baby is not avoidable , however it should be manged properly so as to reduce its negative effect. finally, sperm linkage is not unusual after sex but if you worry to much about this you can take some of the following steps,
1,After intercourse, place a couple of pillows under your hips to elevate them. This technique utilizes gravity to help those little swimmers swim faster to reach the cervix and move into the uterus and fallopian tube If the egg is ready and waiting, then fertilization is definitely a possibility
2. Play with your partner for a few minutes after sex.
According to WebMD, lying in bed for 10 to 15 minutes after intercourse can help provide ample time for the sperm to reach the cervix.
Just remember, only one good sperm is needed, so it is perfectly OK if some leak out after having sex but ensure you dont have untreated infection hanging around.
If like this post, share it, make comments or ask questions . Look out for another post
God bless and live healthy.#Da Pretty herbalist
Polycystic ovary syndrome pcos
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS )
a growing health challenge among our women that unfortunately has low awareness.
Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition in which one or both ovaries produce multiple, small cysts and recent screening has revealed that its surprisingly common among women, affecting, to a greater or lesser degree, about 20 % of all women. In Nigeria the problem is growing. Most women with PCOS grow many small cysts on their ovaries. That is why it is called polycystic ovary syndrome. The cysts are not harmful but lead to hormone imbalances.
According to Dr. Cristina Meriggiola, For reasons that are not well understood, in PCOS the hormones get out of balance. One hormone change triggers another, which changes another.
For example:
• The sex hormones get out of balance. Normally, the ovaries make a tiny amount of male sex hormones (androgens). In PCOS, they start making slightly more androgens. This may cause you to stop ovulating, get acne, and grow extra facial and body hair.
• The body may have a problem using insulin, called insulin resistance. When the body doesn’t use insulin well, blood sugar levels go up. Over time, this increases your chance of getting diabetes.
Many experience or perhaps only one or two of the characteristic symptoms which include:-
1. Infrequent or absent of Menstrual periods (Amenorrhoea)
2. Changes in weight/obesity – especially weight gain and trouble losing weight
3. Appearance of Musculine symptoms particularly growth of hair on the face or chest ( Hirsutism)
4. Skin problems, including skin tags, darkening skin and acne
5. Baldness and Thinning hair on the scalp
6. Infertility – . Many women who have PCOS have trouble getting pregnant
8. High testosterone levels
9. Insulin resistance
10. Low sex drive
11. Mood swings
Complications of PCOS
The common PCOS symptoms are difficult enough for most women, but some will experience further complications, including:
• Diabetes, elevated insulin levels or insulin resistance
• Heart and blood vessel problems
• Uterine cancer
• Sleep apnea
Each of these problems can be life threatening, which is why treatment for PCOS is so important
To diagnose PCOS, the doctor will:
• Want to know about your past health, symptoms, and menstrual cycles.
• Do a physical exam to look for signs of PCOS, such as extra body hair and high blood pressure. The doctor will also check your height and weight to see if you have a healthy body mass index (BMI).
• Do a number of lab tests to check your blood sugar, insulin, and other hormone levels. Hormone tests can help rule out thyroid or other gland problems that could cause similar symptoms. You may also have a pelvic ultrasound to look for cysts on your ovaries. Your doctor may be able to tell you that you have PCOS without an ultrasound, but this test will help him or her rule out other problems.
Treatment can be Orthodox or Alternative (Herbal medicine )
Polycystic ovary syndrome treatment starts with a proper diagnosis as stated above . Treatments are then chosen based on a woman’s symptoms, age and future pregnancy plans. Treatment for PCOS may include:
• Birth control pills to regulate menstruation
• Insulin-sensitizing medications
• Ovulation induction to treat infertility
• Androgen-blocking medications
• Topical anti-hair-growth medications
• Other excess hair treatments
• Treatments for hair loss
• Acne treatments
• Removal of other skin problems
Please consult your Doctor for appropriate advice.
Herbal treatment is also available and very effective with no side effects.to help support with your current treatment or as alternative treatments for those who want herbal alternative treatments
Order for your Greenlife Herbal Complementary/support treatment kit for PCOS
GLP kit - 50,500
GLP kit: 39,000
Pls note for further complementary treatment After above treatment we have you can continue with our ovulferti kit to assist to restore your ovulation and help with fertility order any of our kits
GL ovulferti kits: 44,500naira
GL ovulferti kit : 33,000naira
Consult us for further advice as each individual cases differ. Contact us details on our bio
Saturday, 30 June 2018
Men's care package
Premature ejaculation occurs when a man ejaculates sooner during sexual intercourse than he or his partner would like. Premature ejaculation is a serious problem affecting over 80% of men worldwide. It is a serious problem which should not be overlooked.
This Men's health Package is a 100% herbal products based on ancient secret formula for both complementary and alternative therapeutic treatments,This pure natural formula will improve sexual potency, enhance one’s energy and endurance level, reinforce the vital energy, strengthen sexual function. Use for sexual weakness, impotence, premature ejaculation and those who just wish to improve their sexual performance.
This package treats premature ejaculation, weak erection, low libido and improves sperm health and count.
– Cure/prevent/control premature ejaculation and make you last 20 to 40 minutes
– Enjoy sex for a long time
– Have stronger erection
– Increase sperm count
– Increase sex libido
– Treat low sperm count, impotence and sterility.
Fibroids without surgery kits
Fibroid Without Surgery Kits comprises of different standardised oriental herbal products which assist in Detoxification, Increase Circulation, Nourish, Regeneration, Manage
Heavy Menstrual Bleeding etc…. You are going to be advised what foods to avoid strictly during this period of treatment. And what food to eat specially. Its a must as the balancing of the “ying and yang” because the approach is thought to ensure theirs a seamless working relationships. For instance, you must not drink alcohol or coffee or ice cream or chocolate this period. And you must eat balanced whole food diet.
The body will not respond to herbs, supplements or
natural therapies as well if you don’t eat right.
Our fibroid remedy kit works by going to the
source of the problem, helping to first reduce
excess estrogen that fuels abnormal fibroid
growths, and stimulating liver activity for
improved estrogen metabolism.
The herbs in this Kit work with your body’s natural detoxification processes to clear congested foreign tissues such as the fibroid tissues, while simultaneously helping to prevent new growths from forming.
Our fibroid treatment
is an excellent way to promote health and
function of uterine tissues. Promoting safe fibroid evacuation, restoring the body to its original healthy state and promoting conception!
Fibroid evacuation through this process is completely uprooted from its roots without any chance of regrowth.
An alternative that works!
Erectile dysfunctions
Erectile Dysfunction, is the inability to achieve or sustain an Attention suitable for sexual intercouse. Having Attention trouble from time to time isn’t necessarily a cause for concern. But if erectile dysfunction is an ongoing problem, it may cause stress, cause relationship problems or affect your self confidence. Problems getting or keeping an Attention can be a sign of a health condition that needs treatment, such as heart disease or poorly controlled diabetes. Treating an underlying problem may be enough to reverse your erectile dysfunction.
1. Are you having problems getting an Attention
2. Are you having problems keeping your Attention
3. Do you have a decrease in sexual activities
4. Is your partner frustrated and upset with your sexual life
5. Do you have diabetes, heart disease or another know health problem that may be linked to erectile dysfunction
6. Do you drink or Smoke
7. Are you over weight
Getting Solution is not a problem.: 1.Vigo capsules : for reinforcing the vital energy, strengthen sexual function.
2.Vigpower capsules
3.Men Formula Pills: for adult males, to strengthen their kidney and male organs. Used for low sperm,seminal emission, impotence and sterility.
4 Prostaplus x,
-Prostaticare or
- Prostasture: helps promote urinary flow and maintains a healthy prostate. Used for Prostate hyperplasia, prostatitis and the symptoms as urinary frequency, precipitant urination, pain in urination, drip after urination, urethra dripping white.
6.Upower capsules or Upower plus spray
Products are effectives for treatment and Prevention
Products availability is guaranteed
Premature ejaculation
Many of my followers have asked I should write on this
Premature Ejaculation or quick release as is known in the local parlance . It is a problem associated with men at different time in their life. It is a problem that causes big strain in marriages especially when it happens repeatedly, meaning your partner (wife) will always feel unsatisfied in bed. And this can lead to some unpleasant actions- infidelity, quarrels, etc. But the good news is that this can be treated or controlled.
What is premature Ejaculation?
This happens shortly before or after penetration, although there is no precise “time limit” that defines it , however any release that is less than 3 minutes after penetration can be considered a quick release. In order to deal with this problem, it’s important to understand the causes.
Causes of Premature Ejaculation [PE]
they are in 3 categories.
Category #1
Especially in younger men, less than 30 years
Excessive excitement – it is as a result of men inability to control their anxiety and arousal when they are about to have sex especially if it is men who don’t have sex regularly. When they are about having sex the emotion behind the sex risen up to a level that brings about quick ejaculation when having the sex. That is, the urge for the sex alone can bring about quick ejaculation
– Fear of performance problems
– Acute hypersensitivity of the nervous system
– Some men may have conditioned!! themselves to ejaculate quickly in their adolescence (to avoid getting caught while masturbating)
– Cultural or religious influence, if sex is considered improper or shameful.
Category #2
Premature Ejaculation in Older Men
– Stress and depression
– People living with diabetes
– People living with High Blood Pressure
– Thyroid problems
– People suffering from prostrate diseases
– Taking too much alcohol
category #3
Marriage Problems Like
– Differences in a couple’s sexual needs
– Fear of high expectations
– Anxiety concerning sexual satisfaction
– Lack of emotional preparation for sexual intercourse
– If a woman does not support her husband, but instead aggravate her
husband’s anxiety and fear of failure
– Lack of proper communication and understanding of sexual needs
All of these are the main causes of why some men suffer from premature
Are there treatments, can it be stopped or controlled?
Sure, there are natural treatments that can be used to combat this very problem. In fact a lot of options are available out there.
But what options DO work?
Natural control.
1. You must first learn how you can reduce your anxiety toward having sex. You must understand when your body reaches its climax and how it responds to arousal.
2. There is also the use of stop and start technique. You can achieve this by letting your partner know the reason for the start and stop. This technique allow you to stop stimulation when you feel that you are reaching your climax at this stage you have to stop penetration for like 30 seconds to stop the ejaculation and continue when you feel that is not coming again. Your partner can also help you with this by holding the tip of your manhood so that the ejaculation can be stop.
3. Some Exercise can help- pelvic excise like seat up
4. Don’t have unrealistic expectations from yourself. Don’t measure, focus on pleasure. The stress that you put on yourself is not psychologically healthy, and it may even exacerbate PE. Have a healthy conversation with your sexual partner and discuss your options. Remember, sex is supposed to be fun.
5. Herbal supplement like Vig-power, zinc and cordyceps, which is 100% natural can be used
Premature ejaculation is a frustrating experience that leads to dissatisfaction, unhappiness and can as well brings discord in a relationship if adequate control measure is not taken to control it. So save your marriage relationship however ensure you talk to a health official before use.
if you have this issue and want to discuss more with me, u can contact me: 08188576603
Friday, 29 June 2018
Women's health begins from the reproductive system
A woman’s health problems starts from her Reproductive/Ovarian System.
Everyday she is dealing with enormous amount of free radicals from the environment, from the low quality of food she consumes(most of which are not healthy & are full of artificial additives), excess medicine abuse e.g antibiotics, contraceptives etc, lack of adequate personal hygiene, use of bubble bath liquid soap(which quickly destroys the prebiotics which is part of your intimate health flora and leaves you with vaginal infections/unhealthy discharges, cross sexual infection due to sharing multiple sexual partners through unprotected sex, condom lubricant causing thrush for some, and more importantly, the daily stress a woman goes thru decreases her immunity and hormonal balance that leaves her in a chaotic health situation that sets the right environment for:
*Vaginal discharges/infections
*Vaginal odour
*Vaginal dryness(which leads to unsatisfactory sexual intercourse)
*Painful menstruation
*Blocked fallopian tube
*Fibroid over growth
*Breast Cancer
*Breast oozing out exudates as if breast feeding
*Weight gain…etc
And more of her challenges are clearly worsened by the use of medical drugs that she occassionally abuses.
But here’s the real deal! A special botanical herbal preparation specially made from 12 different types of herbs that’s tailored specifically for the femme intimate health. With a bottle of this specially prepared formula helps you take adequate care of your femme issues.
Your true beauty and health starts from inside of you!
If you are a new mother, it helps to evacuate completely the after births and stimulate the prolactin hormone for more breast milk, helps to quickly bring back the menses and firms the vagina muscles and healing faster also returns your body to pre-pregnancy period.
You are celibate? Firms up the vaginal muscles to a tighter feel! Till you are ready again.
You are healthy and dont have these issues, it keeps you well protected and renews your cells. And gives you the daily bounce required for a totally healthy you!
Contact us for all your health concerns
I remain #daprettyherbalist
IG: daprettyherbalist_onlineshop
Thursday, 28 June 2018
Oestrogen dominance and premenstrual syndrome
Oestrogens are necessary and vital hormones for the proper functioning of so many activities in the body. Our body needs oestrogen, but it needs it in it’s natural form so that it can function properly without interfering with any other hormone activity, particularly that of progesterone.
The explosion of synthetic hormones into so many areas of our lives is what has brought us to the state called oestrogen dominance which causes lots of health issues for the woman which includes hormonal imbalance; missed period, unexplained weight gain, hot flush, premenstrual syndrome(PMS), painful menses, premature menopause, fibroid, breast cancer, Endometriosis, sometimes blocked fallopian tube, infertility etc…
We are currently living in a sea of oestrogens. We make them, eat them, take them in the form of medications, drink them and breathe them into the body. A high-fat, high-dairy and low fibre diet increases the amount of oestrogen in the body, as does the contraceptive pill, so is flour-based foods; pastries, pizza, noodles etc…Ice-creams, chocolate bars etc.
If you continue to splurge on these without adequate protection and discipline, it would cause you a lot of untold health repercussions.
You need proper health supplement to counter the effects of your lifestyle.
Keep up with with me by following me on instagram: daprettyherbalist_onlineshop
For my Ladies
Hello Ladies!
What if I told you that a stripe loaded with the power to balance your ying & yang to fix…
•all ovarian related issues?
•all hormonal related issues?
•painful menses?
•premature menopause?
•breast lumps & related issues?
•liver related issues?
•vaginal related issues
….Gives you anti-aging looks making you smooth and fresh!
And its just a pack of 6 Lasting you 1 month and 2 weeks!
Ok am willing to hand you a pack at just 11,500 instead of 13,500 to try out and see how all your intimate health related issues turns out well. *NOT MEANT FOR VIRGINS AND PREGNANT MOTHERS*
Not forgetting that fibroids are evacuated painless, non-surgical, easily and cost-effective.
I don’t expect you to wish this away…
Pls forward to your friends and sisters.
Do you also have Medical Doctors around you? time for those expensive and life-threatening surgical procedures are gone.
Would you want to see and take care of self?
Order for your Gufeibao today
Dm me or call me from the number on my bio by following me on instagram: daprettyherbalist_onlineshop
What you need to know
Many people wonder why they should buy herbal supplements
Some don't believe it actually works,
And honestly I don't blame them because there are lots of herbal supplements companies with claims that their products can do alot of things and we have also had inexperienced distributors from these companies lieng to innocent people about the efficiency and potency of what their products can do just because they want to sell
-please dear clients not all herbal companies, supplements and distributors are bad or fake, if you want to buy supplements to support your treatment for any health issues please patronize a trained Ayurveda distributor who is registered under the PROQUAAN
In today's society it's difficult to get all your nutrients from food as nutrients in food is lost when we wash and prepare them or from use of chemical fertilizers,inorder to get all the nutrients in our food, our foods is not supposed to be cooked above 86°c for veggies and 320°c for meat and chicken etc that is why the need for herbal supplements is important to help us meet up with the required nutrients the body needs to fight diseases
Herbal supplements works as a support/alternative to what ever treatment you are currently on to help your body function naturally in fighting diseases from its roots
Most patient are not patient enough as they want to see quick results forgetting it took years of unhealthy eating and lifestyle to build up the current health problems your facing
To get the best out of using supplements as a support Or alternative treatments patient are advised to be on them consistently for a minimum period of 3months pending how serious and how long a patient has lived with the ailment
It's advisable to buy treatment combos/packages for what ever health problems your treating in order to get best result
Just because you are not seeing immediate effects/results doesn't mean it isn't working, herbal supplements first work by attacking the root/source of what's causing the ailments
You also need to note that body systems are different just as we have skin types,the results patient A may get in 1 week of a treatment might be different from what Patient B and C might get
It's also advisable to detox before you start any herbal supplements treatment to cleanse your internal system and organic from past drugs and supplements you may have used, and while on supplements treatments diet is very important, like the saying goes you are what you eat, you can be on health journey and still eat junk and unhealthy food, it's also very important that while on a supplement treatment, drinking water, eating fruits /veggies and exercise are important, have any questions or health challenges I am just a Dm and phone call away, I am Da pretty herbalist and I sell herbal supplements, Good morning
Wednesday, 27 June 2018
4 Signs of a toxic body
The Way You Look And Feel Is Determined By The Health Of Your Internal Body Environment”
wondering What do I mean?
Looking fit is not the same with being healthy. In fact looking fit may be an incubation period for a disease brewing up and waiting to wreck havoc on ones health in the near future.
An incubation period is a period of time that it takes for a disease to grow from exposure to the signs of symptoms and manifestation.
Though in most cases, a fit person may actually be healthy, but not in all cases. So our focus should be on being Fit and Healthy.
I’m going to use a powerful illustration to show you exactly what is going on in the body of over 90% of people living today.
Imagine living in a house that all the doors and windows are locked. There is no air conditioning system. The toilet can not be flushed because there is no water, and the garbage in your waste basket can not be thrown away.
If you live inside this house for 5 days, what do you think the place would smell like?
The putrid smell of waste from the toilet and dust bin would overwhelm the whole house, making it very unpleasant for every breath of air.
Overtime, deadly bacteria and a swarm of big house flies from the toilet will start taking over. Before you know it, maggots will start creeping out because of the moist but dirty environment.
In fact the whole scene would be like those horror movies where you see a dead body rotting and smelling with plenty of maggots all over the place.
Very disgusting isn’t it?
Well, that is exactly what is happening inside your body right now if you are unable to remove the build up of toxins and waste in your system. And believe me, this is happening inside almost everyone around you – including yourself.
Scary isn’t it?
Our liver is toxic and had become very sluggish as a result of too much work put on it overtime by the consumption of unhealthy chemicals from alcohol, caffeine, processed foods, pollution, sugar, smoking-including second-hand smoke, and pesticides.
In fact, the modern world has made our liver to be overworked, that is why most people have problem expelling waste from their bodies and this has contributed in the build up of toxins to be stored in the fat cells.
Some of the signs of this problem are:
Releasing of putrid gas – Farting
Bloated tummy
Tiredness after climbing a stair case or doing a little work
If this is happening to you, it means that the waste in your body is not properly evacuated the way it should.
When you have build up of waste still remaining in your body, it spills this dangerous toxins back into the blood stream which increases the chance for a colon cancer.
Unfortunately, this is happening to majority of the people all over the place, and most likely, you too.
Fortunately, there is a way out.
Before that, below are signs of a toxic body system.
4 Signs Of A Toxic Body – Your Body Is Screaming For Help!
There are lots of signs, but the ones mentioned below are the foremost. If your body is telling you that you are not feeling fine on the outside, then know that it is worst on the inside.
1. Fat & Weight Gain
To protect your vital organs and blood vessels against the damage of acid and toxic buildup, your body relies on fat to stores these deadly toxins. Even if you are on a weight loss diet and you exercise, your body will try to hold on to this fat because it is needed for protection against excess toxicity.
2. Weak Bones & Arthritis
The bone is made strong by the presence of calcium. When the body and blood stream becomes too acidic because of the presence of toxic overload, it begins to “suck” calcium from the bones to neutralize the acidity in your body. Over time, this drains the bones of sufficient calcium to remain strong and this eventually leads to Osteoporosis, a condition that causes Arthritis.
3. Heart Disease
Heart disease occurs when there is a problem in the arteries supplying blood to the heart. Build up of toxins causes the blood to become acidic. Normally you know what acid does to a person’s face when the person receives an acid bath, it destroys the person’s skin.
In the same vein acid in the blood causes the arteries to have “cuts” along the arteries, but because the body has a natural healing process, it uses good cholesterol to ‘patch’ these “cuts” so that normal blood and oxygen flow resumes.
However, overtime if the acidity in the blood is not controlled it will get problematic and an occurence of high blood pressure can take place which may lead to a diseased heart. Uncontrolled high blood pressure leads to heart attack or stroke.
4. Rapid Aging
Have you ever seen a 50 year old man who already looks old and another 60 year old person who looks 15 years younger?
The cause is a toxic body. When the cells of the body have surpassed their toxic limit, they will no longer be able to store those toxins in the fat cells anymore. When these happens, the person tends to start growing wrinkles in his 40s.
types of detoxifiers
Natural detoxifiers: this are from natural foods we Eat such – fruits and vegetables
detox herbal teas and supplements such as:
– Kuding tea
-intestine cleansing tea
-chitosan capsules
-colon cleanser
Stay update by following us on instagram: daprettyherbalist_onlineshop
Monday, 25 June 2018
Bartholin's cyst
A Bartholin's cyst develops when the duct exiting the Bartholin's gland becomes blocked. The fluid produced by the gland then accumulates, causing the gland to swell and form a cyst. An abscess occurs when a cyst becomes infected. Bartholin's abscesses can be caused by any of a number of bacteria.
These include bacterial organisms that cause sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia and gonorrhea as well as bacteria normally found in the intestinal tract, such as Escherichia coli. It is common for these abscesses to involve more than one type of organism
What Are the Symptoms?
You may not have any, unless the cyst is large or becomes infected. If infection sets in (doctors call this an “abscess”), you’ll likely have extreme
pain at the site of the cyst. Sex -- and even
walking -- may hurt. If the cyst is large, it can make one side of your labia majora (the large folds of skin on the outside of your vagina) hang lower than the other.
You might also have fever and an unusual
vaginal discharge.
1.antibiotics: If your exam shows that you have an STI, or if your cyst is infected, your doctor will prescribe an antibiotic.
2.Sitz bath: A simple sitz bath may help the cyst go away on its own. Simply fill a tub with 3 to 4 inches of water (enough to cover your vulva), and gently sit. Do this several times a day for three or four days. The cyst may burst and drain on its own.
3.Surgical drainage . Your doctor will make a small cut in the cyst. He’ll then place a small rubber tube (catheter) into the opening to allow it to drain. It can stay in place for up to 6 weeks. You’ll feel better right away after the fluid has been drained.
4.Marsupialization. If cysts bother you or come back, this procedure may help. Your doctor cuts the cyst to open it. He then stitches the skin around the cyst to form a small pouch. This allows the fluid to drain out.
5.Vaginal detox/healing pearl
made from 100% herbs with 5 special features
1.self examining
2.self clearing
3. Self curing
4. Self beautifying
GUIFEI BAO can also be used for the treatment of
senile vaginitis,
pelvic inflammation,
irregular menstruation
Vagina detox
Odours(foul smell)
uterus constriction
Tightens the vagina etc
Eliminate it with just 4-6 Cleanses .
Start your detox journey today
Price : 11,500 per pack of cleanse
Chat with us via DM or whatsapp
Wednesday, 20 June 2018
UPOWER+ is designed for men who have premature ejaculation. It helps to delay ejaculation using the Traditional Chinese Medicine formula. UPOWER+ contains natural extracted from herbs: Cynomorium, Syzygium Aromaticum, Rhus Chinensis Mill and Purified Water with Rubbing Alcohol etc. UPOWER+ reduces nerves sensitivity by 100% naturally this increases the sexual experience. This is unlike the use of lidocaine or any other chemicals that temporarily works and later causes more damage. The ingredients in UPOWER+ have been proven to have an instant effect on erectile dysfunction, it replenishes sexual energy store levels, elevates sex drive and libido. UPOWER+ will prolong sex time from 30 minutes to 120 minutes improving your sex life with extra strength; it boosts the penis's blood holding capacity, delaying ejaculations with sustained erections during sexual encounters.
UPOWER+ can treat some sexual diseases like peyronie due to its special ingredients and keep you healthy sexually. UPOWER+ alleviates the feeling of shame and depression often experienced by men who suffer from sexual dysfunction. UPOWER+ enhances sex drive and libido; repairs damaged penile tissues and treat erectile problems. It directly stimulates blood flow to the penis producing intense and longer lasting erections.#daprettyherbalist
Saturday, 16 June 2018
Jagaban sales!!!
NG4L ROOTS - Significantly increases sexual desire without side effect or dependence
- Corrects erectile dysfunction by increasing the ability to have and sustain a good erection during the sexual act
- Combats sexual impotence and premature ejaculation
- Boost’s the energy level
- Increases overall enjoyment and sexual satisfaction
Jagaban sales!!!!!! Roots going for 8,500 !!!! From 3 packs upward Limited stock
Np: payments validates order
Vagina healing/detox pearls
has an efficacy of great benefit to every woman. Qinggong Pill was made according to the traditional Chinese medicine theory. The targeting treatment is by putting the pill directly into the vagina to dredge governor vessel and conception vessel, clear heat, detoxifies, promote blood circulation by removing blood stasis, eliminate toxins and waste in the body.
It regulates and balance yin and yang, expels wastes, makes the Qi and blood flow fluently in all channels and vessels. Cleanses the uterus, and facilitates the ‘clear’ and ‘unclear’ Qi to the desired destinations. It can help recover a glowing complexion in the upper body and make the blood and Qi flow in order to treat the lower body, thus keeping Yin and Yang in harmony and encouraging a clear and balanced mental state.
It helps cure chronic and stubborn gynecological diseases such as hysteromyoma(Fibroid), ovarian cysts, cervical erosion, pelvic inflammation, irregular menstruation, eliminating unpleasant vagina smell, leucorrhea with reddish discharge, senile baginitis, trichomonas baginitis, colpitis mycotica, annexitis, elytritis, venereal diseases etc. It also functions well in reducing freckles, whitening skin, rejuvenating the uterus, promoting the secretion of female hormones, activating cells, recovering ovarian activity, vagina construction, enhancing sexual health, delaying the ageing process and maintaining beauty.
(1) Self-examining: Only one Qinggong pill you need to find out whether you suffer gynecopathy or not.
(2) Self-clearing: Only one Qinggong pill you will need to clear away toxins and waste inside your vigina.
(3) Self-curing: Be helpful for the treatment of diseases like hysteromyoma(Fibroid), Cervical erosion, ovarian cyst, etc.
(4) Self-beautifying: Improve facial quality, like paling, tarnishing, splash, xerosis, cutis, wrinkled skin, etc.
(5) Self-nourishing: Only one Qiggong pill per month you need to prevent gynecological disease, constrict vagina and uterus, regain beauty.
(1) Purification: Effective to prevent and help to treat gynecological diseases caused by colpitis, cervical erosion, hysteroptosis and unpleasant smell of leucorrhea, pelvic inflammation, annexitis, hysteromyoma and mycotic infection.
(2) Clearing and Detoxifying: This unique way of detoxification is a micro-vacuum which can clear away dead cells, mense, toxin and waste accumulated inside the vagina, also the unpleaseant smell and the source of mycovirus infection.
(3) Removing necrosis and promoting granulation: While clearing the waste, it can restore the vitality of dying cells, promote glandular secretion, smooth, nourish the vagina and rough tissue in uterine neck, regain the elasticity and sensibility.
(4) Postpone senility: It restore the vitality of dying cells, promote grandular secretion, help to constraint vagina and regain its vigor, increase sensibility and sexual desire, postpone menopause, relieve vagina dryness, and ease your mind.
(5) Beatifying and nourishing: Improve and regain the usual physiological function of generative organ by promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.
(6) Life preserving: After the period of menses, using one or two balls, it can help to promote metabolism, keep you healthy and vigorous, and easily be away from gynecological diseases.
(7) Infertility: It has certain efficacy on infertility by balancing PH value inside the vagina and dredging fallopian tube.
Components: Resina draconis, rhubarb, fructus cnidii, sophora flavescens, borneol, flos carthami, cortex pseudolaricis, dried alum, acacia catechu, borax.
Friday, 18 May 2018
Shop from Instagram
Connect with us on instagram and place your orders by following on via our instagram handle: daprettyherbalist_onlineshop
Friday, 11 May 2018
Vitex and Infertility
Vitex Agnus Castus and Infertility
Vitex agnus castus (chasteberry, vitex) is a traditional herb that has been used historically for hormonal imbalances in women. More recently, numerous clinical research studies have provided evidence for vitex as a important herbal treatment for infertility, female hormonal imbalance, ovulatory irregularity, anovulation, amenorrhea, and other disorders related to hormone function in women.
In research studies, Vitex has displayed facility in relieving symptoms or addressing deficiencies caused by hormonal imbalances and vitex may be helpful for women who do not have regular or normal menstrual cycles. It may be very supportive as well for women with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). In clinical trials, chasteberry (vitex standardized extract) has been demonstrated to enhance fertility, “and women with fertility disorders benefited from vitex agnus castus, with more pregnancies then in placebo groups”. Because vitex impacts key hormones that regulate and balance the menstrual cycle, vitex can help balance the levels and ratios of hormones required for normal menstrual function, ovulation, and fertility. As Vitex is safe, it may be used by women seeking to become pregnant to increase chances of conception. More specifically, it can be used by women with irregular ovulatory function and by women with shorter luteal phases. Vitex may also be used after discontinuing use of birth control pills to restore normal ovulation.
vitex has the effect of stimulating and normalizing pituitary gland functions, especially its progesterone function, vitex may be particularly useful in cases of low levels of progesterone during the luteal phase (the period between ovulation and the end of the menstrual cycle). As the studies below indicate, vitex may be very effective in promoting normal hormonal function, regular and frequent ovulation, and support fertility and conception.
The key to conceiving a baby is ensuring that ovulation takes place and you have a regular menstrual cycle. In this context, vitex or chaste berry has been shown to stabilize hormonal imbalances. Vitex may also be helpful for women with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) who do not have a normal menstrual cycles or who ovulate irregularly, or experience amenorrhea or anovulation. However, PCOS is a complicated issue with unknown causes.
A large percentage ovulatory and menstrual problems are caused directly or indirectly by low levels progesterone following ovulation (the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle). Low levels of progesterone may cause LPD (luteal phase defect) or corpus luteum insufficiency. In the context of hormonal imbalances, Vitex may prove helpful with these infertility issues. According to studies and clinical research, vitex has proven effective. Benefits will increase over time – with maximum benefits after 3 months.
How Vitex and Fertility Supplements Work
In numerous clinical studies, vitex (chasteberry), a key ingredient in has displayed enormous facility in relieving symptoms or addressing deficiencies associated with hormonal (estrogen/progesterone) imbalances. Vitex may be helpful for women who do not have regular or normal menstrual cycles and may be very supportive as well for women with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). In clinical trials, vitex has been demonstrated to enhance fertility – and women with fertility disorders benefited from vitex agnus castus, with more pregnancies then in various placebo groups.
Because vitex affects key hormones that regulate and balance the menstrual cycle, vitex can help balance the levels and ratios of hormones required for normal menstrual function, ovulation, and fertility. As vitex is safe, it may be used by women seeking to become pregnant to increase chances of conception. More specifically, it can be used by women with ovulatory dysfunction and by women with shorter luteal phases. Vitex may also be used after discontinuing use of birth control pills to restore normal ovulation.
Complete preconceptional vitamin support has also been shown to help enhance fertility as well. Vitamins C and E are important cleansing antioxidants that play a vital role in repairing damage caused by the environment, aging, and in preventing cellular damage due to oxidizing free radicals. Vitamin E is an important antioxidant central to overall reproductive health and wellness. In a preliminary human trial, infertile couples given vitamin E showed a significant increase in fertility. Other studies indicate that preconceptional vitamin supplementation can increase fertility. Folic acid supplementation is also essential to help prevent birth defects.
Vitex – in concert with other the herbal-nutritional ingredients may promote the restoration and balance of hormones that play a central role in menstrual health and regular ovulation, supporting a woman’s reproductive organs and the development of reproductive tissues.
Tuesday, 2 January 2018
19 ways to keep your vagina clean and healthy
1. Wash with hot water only. It may seem counter-intuitive, but washing your vagina with soap, whether it’s bar soap or liquid, is not the best way to keep clean. The vagina actually stays quite clean on its own without the help of outside cleansers. Like other parts of the body, the vagina has a pH level that needs to be maintained in order to prevent the growth of unhealthy bacteria and facilitate the growth of good bacteria. Using harsh cleansers can upset the balance, leading to infection, irritation, and even bad smells.
2. Don’t use douches or feminine sprays. Douching with chemicals that are supposed to make your vagina smell like a field of flowers actually ends up having quite the opposite effect. They wash out all the healthy bacteria that helps your vagina stay clean and infection-free. The chemicals left behind by douches can cause irritation and even burning, and the same goes for feminine sprays. If you keep your vagina healthy using other methods, there will be no need to try to make it smell different.
3. Have good hygiene during your period. Many women experience an increased rate of vaginal infections when they are menstruating, since having blood in the vagina changes its pH and throws things out of balance. To stay healthy during your period, practice the following habits:
4. Wipe from front to back. It is important to wipe from front to back, rather than the reverse, to keep fecal matter from entering your vagina and causing an infection. Use plain, unscented toilet paper to wipe. Avoid using wet wipes or any other product that contains perfumes and chemicals.
5. Wear cotton underwear. Cotton underwear dries quickly and allows air to flow freely through the fabric. This prevents the development of damp conditions that promote the growth of yeast and unhealthy bacteria that might lead to an infection. Underwear made from synthetic fabrics, silk, lace, or other materials does not breathe as well.
6. Wear loose-fitting clothing. Stretch pants, skinny jeans, and tights trap moisture against the skin and prevent airflow, often leading to yeast infections. Try wearing looser, lighter fabrics that breathe well. Go for skirts and dresses more often, and choose thigh-high tights instead of the kind that pull up around your waist. Pick out shorts that are on the looser side, too.
7. Change out of wet clothes right away. Wearing a wet bathing suit or wet workout clothes for a few hours leaves you prone to getting a yeast infection. Make sure you change into clean, dry underwear as soon as possible after swimming or working out. You might even want to keep an extra pair on hand for unexpected situations when you might find yourself in need of a fresh pair.
8. Wash after sex. When you have sex with a partner, you are opening yourself up to bacteria and other microscopic substances that can end up irritating your vagina and causing an infection. The solution? Wash your vagina with hot water after sex. This will greatly minimize the chance that your encounter will have an unpleasant after effect.
9. Pee after sex. At the very least, pee after sex, even if you intend on washing, too. When you have sex, unwanted bacteria can travel up the urethra, which is connected to your bladder. Peeing after sex can help flush the bacteria out of the vaginal area, promoting general health and helping you avoid those pesky UTIs (Urinary Tract Infections).
10. Try using condoms. The pH of semen is basic, whereas the pH of the vagina is acidic. When semen is left in the vagina after sex, it upsets the balance in the vagina, leaving it prone to bacteria growth. Using condoms or another barrier method eliminates this problem. If you don’t want to use condoms, wash the semen away right after sex so it doesn’t have time to change the pH of your vagina.
11. Eat plenty of yogurt. Yogurt has the same kind of “good” bacteria that your vagina needs to stay healthy. You can replenish your body’s bacteria by making yogurt part of your daily diet. Eating yogurt is a great way to both prevent and treat yeast infections.
12. Eat lots of fruit. Cranberries, pineapples, strawberries, and other fruits help to freshen the smell of the liquids secreted by the vagina. Eating fruits will not exactly make your vagina smell fruity, but it can help you develop a more pleasant scent if that is something you are concerned about. Fruit also has high water content, and staying hydrated helps flush the body of toxins that can lead to bad smells.
13. Eat garlic. Garlic has properties that kill yeast, making it an effective tool for preventing and treating yeast infections. Eating cooked or raw garlic a few times a week is a great way to keep your vagina healthy. It has also been said to help get rid of bad vaginal odor.
14. Do kegel exercises. Kegel exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and the pubococcygeus muscle. These muscles tend to get looser and weaker with age and after giving birth. Strengthening them can help you avoid issues like urinary incontinence and also increase sexual pleasure.To do kegel exercises, follow these steps:
Locate your pelvic floor muscles. To do this, pretend you are stopping urination in midstream. The muscles you use to stop are the ones you are targeting with kegels.
Tighten the muscles and hold for three seconds, then release. Repeat this 15 times.
Continue doing kegel exercises daily, holding for longer and adding more repetitions as you gain control.
15. Explore other ways to exercise the vagina. The vagina is also strengthened through sexual activity and pleasure, since sex keeps it toned and elastic. Having regular intercourse is a good way to keep yourself in shape. Focus on tightening and releasing the vagina during sex to exercise the vagina as much as possible. Using a vibrator can help you achieve the same effect.
16. Try over-the-counter remedies for yeast infections. Most women experience yeast infections now and then, and they can usually be combated with over-the-counter antifungal creams or suppositories. The treatments come in doses that are taken over a period of 1, 3, 5, or 7 days, depending on how severe your infection is. Most yeast infection treatments also come with anti-itch cream that can be used to help with itching and burning around the vulva area.
17. Go to the doctor to get treated for vaginitis. Vaginitis can be caused by yeast infections, bacterial infections, parasites, and other causes. It’s characterized by a discharge with a fish-like odor, burning and itching, and a rash around the vulva. You can buy over-the-counter creams to combat the uncomfortable symptoms, but you should go to the doctor to figure out the cause and receive a prescription as necessary
How To Relax Vaagina On Tense.
around the vulva. You can buy over-the-counter creams to combat the uncomfortable symptoms, but you should go to the doctor to figure out the cause and receive a prescription as necessary.
Read: Reasons why a vagina may develop bad smell
18. Get regularly tested for STDs. Sexually transmitted diseases such as HPV, chlamydia, genital warts, and others can cause long-term damage if left untreated. If you have unprotected sex and feel there is a possibility you could have contracted an STD, make an appointment with your doctor or go to a health clinic. In many cases, you will be able to get free testing.
19. Go to the doctor if you notice something out of the ordinary. Many women are not familiar with the way their vaginas look and feel, so they are not aware when something changes. Every vagina is different, and it is important to know how your vagina normally looks, feels, and smells so that when something changes, you will notice and seek medical attention if necessary. Go to the doctor if you notice a stark change in color, warts or other bumps, discharge that smells or looks different, or if you have pain in your vagina.