Friday, 29 June 2018

Women's health begins from the reproductive system

A woman’s health problems starts from her Reproductive/Ovarian System.

Everyday she is dealing with enormous amount of free radicals from the environment, from the low quality of food she consumes(most of which are not healthy & are full of artificial additives), excess medicine abuse e.g antibiotics, contraceptives etc, lack of adequate personal hygiene, use of bubble bath liquid soap(which quickly destroys the prebiotics which is part of your intimate health flora and leaves you with vaginal infections/unhealthy discharges, cross sexual infection due to sharing multiple sexual partners through unprotected sex, condom lubricant causing thrush for some, and more importantly, the daily stress a woman goes thru decreases her immunity and hormonal balance that leaves her in a chaotic health situation that sets the right environment for:

*Vaginal discharges/infections
*Vaginal odour
*Vaginal dryness(which leads to unsatisfactory sexual intercourse)
*Painful menstruation
*Blocked fallopian tube
*Fibroid over growth
*Breast Cancer
*Breast oozing out exudates as if breast feeding
*Weight gain…etc

And more of her challenges are clearly worsened by the use of medical drugs that she occassionally abuses.

But here’s the real deal! A special botanical herbal preparation specially made from 12 different types of herbs that’s tailored specifically for the femme intimate health. With a bottle of this specially prepared formula helps you take adequate care of your femme issues.

Your true beauty and health starts from inside of you!

If you are a new mother, it helps to evacuate completely the after births and stimulate the prolactin hormone for more breast milk, helps to quickly bring back the menses and firms the vagina muscles and healing faster also returns your body to pre-pregnancy period.

You are celibate? Firms up the vaginal muscles to a tighter feel! Till you are ready again.

You are healthy and dont have these issues, it keeps you well protected and renews your cells. And gives you the daily bounce required for a totally healthy you!
Contact us for all your health concerns
I remain #daprettyherbalist

IG: daprettyherbalist_onlineshop

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