Sunday, 12 January 2014


Q- What causes arthritis? ?
The term arthritis refers to several conditions that involve joint pain and inflammation. There are different causes, depending on the type of arthritis. All involve chronic pain in the joints.  Osteoarthritis is a natural consequence of aging as cartilage that normally cushions joints wears away or degenerates. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that can occur at any age. Gout is a painful disorder caused by improper elimination of uric acid in the body.
Q- If my parents had arthritis, will I get it too??
Some doctors believe arthritis can be hereditary. There are other risk factors.  Arthritis is more common among women than men. Obesity, repetitive movement, and aging all exacerbate the symptoms. 
Q- What can I do to prevent or alleviate arthritis??
Get regular exercise to prevent joint deterioration. Maintain a healthy weight. Eat foods high in antioxidants. Consume foods containing histidine, including rice, wheat, and rye. Include foods that contain sulphur, such as eggs, garlic, onions, and white meats. Avoid pro-inflammatory nightshade vegetables, such as potatoes, peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, and white pepper.
Q- What NG4L products can help with arthritis??
•    NG4L   Triple Strength Arthritis/Joint Formula
•    NG4L   Arthritis Rheumatic Tea
•    NG4L   Omega Fatty Acids (Flaxseed Oil, Omega 3 EPA/DHA, Cod Liver )Oil, Evening primrose oil)
•    NG4L    Açai, Super AntiAging, or Grapeseed Extract
•    NG4L    Enzymes, NS Fibrin, Bromelain, or  SerraFibro
•    NG4L    Noni or Mangosteen  juice or capsules
•    NG4L    Gogi Juice or capsules
To order email:  or call: 08157710803 or 08034348505

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