Sunday, 12 January 2014


Naturally Restore and Enhance Reproductive Function

Infertility is typically diagnosed when a couple is unable to achieve pregnancy after a year of unprotected intercourse, (or after six months if the woman is over age 35). Infertility in a couple may be due to a medical problem in the man, the woman, or both. When the source of the problem exists with the male partner, it is referred to as male infertility. Male infertility issues contribute to approximately 50% of all infertility cases.

Sperm disorders account for the most common male infertility causes, and are often symp-tomatic of other diseases or disorders. Sperm must be properly shaped and able to move rapidly and accurately toward the egg for fertilization to occur. If the shape and structure (morphology) of the sperm are abnormal or the movement (motility) is impaired, sperm may not be able to reach or penetrate the egg. To that end, a semen analysis is often critical in determining the exact cause of male infertility. The analysis looks at several factors, including

Semen volume: Normal volume is 1.0-6.5 milliliters (mL) per ejaculate. In very rare cases, there is an absence of semen, referred to as aspermia.
Sperm count: Normal sperm count is defined by the WHO as over 20 million sperm per ml. A count under 20 million/ml is called oligospermia while the absence of sperm altogether is called azoospermia.
Sperm motility: Forward motion capacity. Normal motility is about 8 million sperm per ml showing good motility.
Sperm morphology: Measuring how many sperm are shaped normally, in which 70% indicates good morphology. Abnormally shaped sperm possess aberrant qualities of the head (two heads, tiny heads, round heads) or tail (two tails, short tails). These shapes tend to affect their motility as well.
Other semen qualities: Other male infer-tility causes include liquefaction time, pH levels, and fructose levels. An off-average number in any factor can indicate infertility.
Causes Of Male Infertility
Impaired production or function of sperm. As previously mentioned, most cases of male infertility are due to problems with the sperm. These issues can be tied to other conditions such as: Varicocele (a varicose vein in the scrotum that may prevent normal cooling of the testicle, leading to reduced sperm count and motility); Undescended testicle; Testosterone deficiency (male hypogonadism); Genetic defects like Klinefelter’s syndrome.
Infections: Infection may temporarily affect sperm motility. Repeated bouts of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), such as Chlamydia and gonorrhea, are most often associated with male infertility. These infections can cause scarring and block sperm passage. If the man had mumps after puberty, inflammation of the testicles at that time could impair sperm production. Inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis), urethra, or epididymis also may alter sperm motility.
Impaired delivery of sperm. Problems with the delivery of sperm from the penis into the vagina can result in infertility. These may include:
Sexual issues: Problems with sexual intercourse or technique including: erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, painful intercourse, and psychological or relationship problems can impair sperm delivery. The use of lubricants, such as oils or petroleum jelly, can also be toxic to sperm.
Retrograde ejaculation: This occurs when semen enters the bladder during orgasm rather than emerging out through the penis. Various conditions can cause retrograde ejaculation including diabetes,bladder, prostate or urethral surgery, and the use of certain medications.
Blockage of epididymis or ejaculatory ducts: Some men are born with blockage of the part of the testicle that contains sperm (epididymis) or ejaculatory ducts. Some men lack the tube that carries sperm (vas deferens) from the testicle out to the opening in the penis.
No semen (ejaculate): The absence of ejaculate may occur in men with spinal cord injuries or diseases. This is the fluid carries the sperm from the penis into the vagina.
Misplaced urinary opening (hypospadias): A birth defect can cause the urinary (urethral) opening to be abnormally located on the underside of the penis. If not surgically corrected, this condition can prevent sperm from reaching the woman’s cervix.
Anti-sperm antibodies: Antibodies that target sperm and weaken or disable them usually occur after surgical blockage of part of the vas deferens for male sterilization (vasectomy). Presence of these antibodies may complicate the reversal of a vasectomy.
Cystic fibrosis: Men with cystic fibrosis often have an obstructed or missing vas deferens
In many instances, no cause for reduced sperm production is found. When sperm concentration is less than 5 million per ml of semen, genetic causes could be involved. A blood test can reveal whether there are subtle changes in the Y chromosome.
General health and lifestyle
A man’s general health and lifestyle may affect fertility. Some common causes of infertility related to health and lifestyle include:
Emotional stress; Malnutrition (Deficiencies in nutrients such as vitamin C, selenium, zinc and folate may contribute to infertility.)
Obesity; Cancer and its treatment (Both radiation and chemotherapy treatment for cancer can impair sperm production. The closer the radiation treatment is to the testicles, the higher the risk of infertility. Removal of one or both testicles due to cancer may also affect fertility.)
Alcohol and drugs (Alcohol or drug depen­dency can be associated with poor health and reduced fertility. The use of certain drugs also can contribute to infertility. Anabolic steroids, for example, can cause the testicles to shrink and sperm production to decrease. Use of cocaine or marijuana may temporarily reduce the number and quality of your sperm.)
Other medical conditions (A severe injury or major surgery can affect fertility. Certain diseases or conditions, such as diabetes, thyroid disease, Cushing’s syndrome, or anemia may be associated with infertility); Age (A gradual decline in fertility is common in men older
than 35).
Environmental Concerns
Overexposure to certain environmental ele-ments such as heat, toxins, and chemicals can reduce sperm count either directly by affecting testicular function or indirectly by altering the male hormonal system. Specific causes include:
Pesticides and other chemicals. Herbicides and insecticides may cause female hormone-like effects in the male body and may be associated with reduced sperm production and testicular cancer. Lead exposure may also cause infertility.
Overheating the testicles. Frequent use of saunas or hot tubs can elevate your core body temperature. This may impair your sperm production and lower your sperm count.
Smoking. Men who smoke cigarettes may have a lower sperm count than do those who don’t smoke.
Proper testing should be performed to determine the potential cause of male infertility.
Sometimes, no specific cause can be identified. In many cases, infertility is a harmless problem and responds readily to treatment.
Top Picks:
NG4L Fertiman, NG4L Male Sperm Booster, NG4L Ferti-Enhancer, NG4L Herbal Male Fertility, NG4L Male Fertility Formula
NG4L FertiMan
Combines basic nutrients (Vitamins A, C, and E, Niacinamide, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic Acid, Calcium Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Manganese) with herbs (damiana, ginseng, sarsa­parilla, saw palmetto, Aletris, fenugreek, hawthorn berry, cloves), and amino acids (methionine, glutamine, cysteine and arginine), all of which are building blocks of sperm. Damiana is said to tone the reproductive organs in men, and is consid­ered a potent aphrodisiac. Chinese or Siberian ginseng is thought to elevate sperm count and motility, act as a restorative tonic, and increase blood flow and heat in the pelvis. Saw palmetto helps nourish the prostate gland and regulate sperm production. Hawthorn berry stimulates circulation and blood flow in the pelvis. Astraga­lus increases sperm motility. L-carnitine is said to increase sperm quantity and motility.
Ng4lMale Sperm Booster
Contains Vitamin C, Zinc, Astragalus, L-carnitine, and Damiana.
Vitamin C - protects sperm from oxidative damage and prevents agglu­tination of sperm (sticking or clumping together, a condition which can reduce fertility). Supple­menting vitamin C improves the quality of sperm in smokers. Many doctors recommend 1 gram of vitamin C per day for infertile men, particularly those diagnosed with sperm agglutination
Zinc - is an essential nutrient required for a healthy male reproductive system and proper sperm production. Zinc helps to maintain semen volume and is required for the produc­tion of testosterone. Its content in the prostate gland and in the outer layer of sperm is higher than in any other body tissue. Zinc deficiency leads to low sperm count, sperm abnormalities, prostate disease, impotence, and numerous sexual problems in men.
Astragalus - is a Chinese herb, which is now well-known and grown worldwide. Medical research indicates that it stimulates sperm production and also helps to improve sperm motility.
L-carnitine - is an amino acid that has been shown to be critical in the formation and functioning of healthy, active sperm. Helps to normalize sperm motility in men with low sperm quality.
Damiana - may tone the reproductive organs in men and is considered a potent aphrodisiac.
Ng4lMale Ferti-Enhancer
Contains key vitamins and minerals essential for proper sperm produc­tion and function (Vitamin C, E, B6, B12, Folic Acid, Calcium, Phosphorus, Zinc), vital amino acids (L-Carnitine, L-Arginine, Taurine), Pine Bark Extract, and Lyc-O-Mate Lycobeads 5%. The components most important for enhancing fertility in men are vitamin C, E, B6, B12, zinc and L-arginine.
Vitamin C–helps prevent sperm agglutination.
Vitamin E–is known as the fertility vitamin because it corrects the functioning of the endocrine glands.
Zinc–may help support both sperm count and sperm motility. It is important for the health of reproductive organs and the prostate gland. Found in high amounts in the head of the sperm
L-arginine–also improves sperm count and motility, along with increasing sexual desire and ejaculation. This formula is very effective for men with low sperm count and mobility associated with immune-infertility and poor sperm quality.
Pycnogenol or Pine Bark Extract–Up to 60% of infertile couples have difficulty conceiving due to sperm abnormalities. Pycnogenol supports normally functioning sperm. It represents a natural combination of procyanidins, bioflavo­noids, and organic acids in constant proportion, making it a super antioxidant. Improves the quality and function of sperm in men with fertil­ity problems.
Lycopene–an antioxidant found in tomatoes, apricots, pink grapefruit, papaya, and watermelon, lycopene can boost sperm concentrations, mobil­ity and activity and improve sperm structure in infertile men. Infertile men have been found to have low levels of lycopene in their semen. Lycopene also helps men with immunoinfertility.
Ng4lHerbal Male Fertility
Supports the function of male sexual organs (prostate, seminal vesicles, testes, penis). Helps to maintain healthy sperm production, motility, and health. Maintains healthy testosterone levels and overall male systemic health along with healthy sex drive and strong, healthy erections. Contains Zinc, L-Arginine, Epimedium sagittatum, Maca Powder, Yohimbe Extract, Ginseng Powder, Catuaba, Cnidium monnieri, Gingko Biloba, Muira Pauma, Oats Straw, and Xanthoparmelia scabrosa.
Arginine–is an amino acid found in many foods, is needed to produce sperm. The production of this non-essential amino acid declines with age. Preliminary research shows that several months of L-arginine supplementation increases semen  volume, sperm count, quality, and fertility. Arginine is added to many supplements for its amazing nitrogen retention ability as Nitrogen Oxide (NO) production allows for a more rigid erection.
MACA–is a legendary South American botani­cal proven to promote libido, potency, energy, and stamina. Has been used for athletic perfor­mance, impotence and erectile dysfunction, fertility enhancement, aphrodisiac effects, male menopause, hormone balancing, and increasing testosterone levels. Men who use Maca have been shown to have an increase in libido and healthy sperm.
Epimedium sagittatum–is sometimes called “horny goat weed.” This botanical boosts libido, treats impotence, and supports healthy testos­terone levels for greater sperm production. It helps modulate cortisol levels (the primary stress hormone), restoring normal metabolism, energy levels, and libido. Also helps to increase semen volume, sperm production, and fertility.
Cnidium monnier–is a powerful, natural fruit extract, found to help relax the genital area particularly the corpus cavernosa of the penis, which would potentially help with blood flow, erections, and essential nutrient delivery. It has been used in Asia as a natural sexual enhancer for centuries.
Catuaba bark–a Brazilian herb that strengthens the libido and nourishes the entire male repro­ductive system.
Yohimbe–an African botanical with aphrodisiac qualities. It not only increases performance and heightens enjoyment, it also has been shown to help increase sexual arousal and semen volume. This is extremely helpful for those suffering sexual side effects from psychological impotence or other physiological problems. Yohimbe has
been shown to help improve overall mood, promote relaxation, and naturally help diminish anxiety.
Xanthoparmelia scabrosa–a Chinese herbal that has been used for over 1000 years as a sexual enhancer. The seeds of this plant are known to extend the duration of erections. Xanthoparmelia scarbrosa increases the blood flow and arterial dilation of the genital region. This allows for easier semen production because of the added nutrient support. It is a natural source of pyrazalo pyrimidinone (a core component of leading prescription medications for impotence).
Asian Ginseng (Panax Ginseng)–used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years, and popular worldwide to support healthy testos­terone levels and improve sperm count, quality, and motility. Research has shown that 4 grams per day for three months of may prove useful for male infertility.
Muira Puama–a Brazilian herbal appreciated for its effect upon erectile problems. It also provides mental equilibrium and increases the libido. This plant is a natural supply of energy and a sexual stimulator.
Ng4lMale Fertility Formula
This formula has been known to increase potency and vitality in men. A great tonic for men with low sperm count. Contains Gotu-Kola, Tribulus terestris, Epimedium sagittatum, Saw Palmetto, Ginseng)
Centella Asiatica–also known as Gotu Cola, is well known in Ayurvedic (Indian) and African Traditional Medicine and has a wide range of beneficial effects. Regular use helps to strengthen connective tissue and the walls of blood vessels, including the seminiferous tubules which manufacture sperm. Improved circulation due to the use of Gotu Cola will ensure adequate blood supply and nutrition to the male sexual organs and also helps to strengthen erections and sexual desire.
Tribulus terristris–(also known as Gokshura) is another important Ayurvedic remedy, which is an excellent tonic for the reproductive system. Gokshura has been used in Ayurvedic Medicine for thousands of years as a tonic for the reproduc­tive system, to enhance the health of reproductive organs, and to treat infertility. It is also beneficial in the treatment of stress (which can interfere with fertility) due to its calming effect on the nervous system. Tribulus helps to increase testos­terone. It has been proven that it increases the amount of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) produced by the body’s pituitary gland. LH stimulates the testes to secret the male hormone testosterone.
Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens)contains a variety of fatty acids, including capric, caprylic, caproic, lauric, palmitic, and oleic acids, and their ethyl esters. Saw Palmetto oil is high in phytosterols (beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, cycloartenol, lupeol, lupenone, 24-methyl-cycloartenol), as well as other oils, resins, and tannin. It is seen as an overall body tonic for men and is believed to support male fertility. It is a natural steroid source with tissue building and gland stimulating properties to tonify and strengthen the male reproductive system. It is a primary herb for
male impotence, low libido, and prostate health.
Ng4lUltra Man
This complete, 100% whole food multivitamin contains all of the vitamins and minerals necessary for male daily health, plus specific compo­nents to promote healthy sperm count and male fertility.
Zinc–Essential for the production of testoster­one and sperm and overall fertility. Men who have a zinc deficiency have been shown to have lower testosterone levels, low semen volume, and low sperm counts.
Vitamin C–Has been shown to protect sperm from oxidative damage, increase the quality of sperm in smokers, and reduce sperm agglutina­tion.
Folic acid–New research suggests that folic acid can boost sperm health and prevent genetic abnormalities in sperm. Men with low levels of folate had increased risks for sperm that contained too little or too many chromosomes. If an egg is fertilized with one of these abnormal sperm it could result in a birth defect (such as Down’s syndrome) or an increased possibility of miscar­riage.
B Vitamins–(especially B6, B12, and folate) criti­cal nutrients in the male reproductive system for proper hormone metabolism and sperm forma­tion and motility. B12 has been shown to increase sperm counts. B12 deficiency (one of the most common vitamin deficiencies) reduces sperm motility and sperm count. Adequate B vitamins are integral to a healthy response to stress too.
Calcium–Helps to alkalize the body, which is favorable for sperm and is necessary for healthy sperm motility. Calcium is a key regulator of human sperm function. The concentration of calcium in semen determines sperm motility
Vitamin E - Supplementation with this antioxi­dant has been shown to help improve the overall health of sperm, increase sperm motility, and enhance the ability of the sperm to penetrate the egg. Aids in the absorption of essential fatty acids necessary for appropriate hormone production.
Selenium - Nearly 50% of the selenium in a man is in the testes and seminal ducts; men lose selenium in their semen. Selenium is believed to be beneficial for sperm mobility in infertile men with reduced sperm motility.
Ng4lCod Liver Oil, NG4L Flaxseed Oil, Ng4lEvening Primrose Oil / Ng4lOmega 3
Omega-3 fatty acids (found in oily fish and flaxseed oils) and omega-6 fatty acids (evening primrose) are required for normal glandular activ­ity and can help improve the sperm membrane fluidity and male fertility. The ingredients within flaxseed oil help to keep the sperm healthy and may also help with regard to male impotence.
Ng4l Prostate Plus
Overall body tonic for men, found to support male fertility. Contains Saw Palmetto, Pumpkin seed powder, Vitamin E, Zinc, Magnesium and Pygeum africanum.
NG4L Bee Pollen
Improves fertility in both partners, but provides an especially dramatic effect on sperm count viability and motility. As well as being a powerful antioxidant, bee pollen is also packed with zinc, B vitamins, and other nutrients. Important in reproductive gland function. Helpful for encouraging a healthy response to stress which can be a major lifestyle factor in male infertility.
Ng4l Goji
The Chinese call Goji the Matri­mony Vine. It has been shown to increase libido, sperm count, and sperm vitality. Goji berries are used in traditional Chinese medicine as a sexual potency food of the highest order. Taking the berry orally increases androgen levels in the blood, which increases energy levels. Goji berries have also traditionally been used for the treat­ment of infertility.
In addition to being packed with vitamins B1,B6, E, C, Goji Berries contain more protein than whole wheat, 18 amino acids (8 of them are essential for life), 21 trace minerals (including significant amounts of zinc, iron, copper, calcium, selenium, phosphorus, and germanium), more beta carotene than carrots, 500 times more vitamin C by weight than oranges, essential fatty acids (required for the production of hormones and smooth functioning of the brain and nervous system).
Ng4l Coenzyme Q10
Acts as an antioxidant protecting sperm cells from damage and is known to support healthy circulation which can improve sexual function.
Ng4l Roots Capsules
Helps maintain healthy erection. Also boosts sperm production and semen density.
Ng4l Royal Jelly
Natural product produced by bees, which has been found to support fertil­ity and help promote healthy erections. Royal jelly is rich in hormonal factors that help optimize hormone balance in both men and women. It has been found to increase sperm count, and many believe it also enhances sexual performance.
Ng4L Natural Gain Plus
For enhancing penis size and increas­ing sexual energy. Contains many sperm and semen boosters as well: Niacin, Zinc, Maca, Catuaba, Muira puama, L’arginine, Heart-leaf Sida, Barrenwort, Tribulus terrestris, Cola seed, Oat straw, Stinging nettle, Pumpkin seed, Ginger, Cayenne, Ameri­can ginseng, Eleuter, Asian ginseng, Sarsaparilla, Orchic substance.
Ng4l Whey Protein
A balanced diet is essential for the body to function property. Supplements help improve fertility. Lack of protein and calories from malnourishment is a cause of infertility, so adequate nutrition should be the basis for treatment of any illness, including infertility. Use NG4L Whey Protien as part of a foundational nutrition regimen. This product has the highest biological value of any protein and supplies all essential and non-essential amino acids. It is ultra-filtered and prepared using low temperatures to preserve the integrity of the proteins.
Other Helpful Products:
NG4L Selenium,
NG4L Vitamin E,
NG4L Vitamin C Rose Hips,
NG4L Super Antiaging Plus,
NG4L Cal Mag Zinc+D,
NG4L Coral Calcium Supreme,
NG4L Anti Stress,
NG4L Balanced B,
NG4L Grapeseed Extract,
NG4L Korean Ginseng,
NG4L Cordyceps,
NG4L Gingko Max
Using NG4L Male and Female Fertility Products together can optimize male and female reproductive health and increase the chances of healthy conception.
Healthy Things You Can Do…
Stop smoking–Smoking adversely affects the semen quality of infertile men. Men who smoke tend to have lower sperm count.
Quit drinking alcoholic beverages–Excessive alcohol consumption is associated with a decrease in the per­centage of normal sperm and poor sperm quality.
Stop recreational drugs–The use of recreational drugs (e.g., marijuana, cocaine, hashish) may reduce sperm count or cause abnormal sperm morphology (shape). Drugs can lead to ill health and infertility.
Wear loose-fitting underwear (boxers), and stay out of spas and hot tubs–The optimal temperature of the testes for sperm production is slightly lower than body temperature, which is why the testes hang away from the body in the scrotum. Men with low sperm counts are frequently advised to minimize lifestyle factors that may overheat the testes.
Avoid saturated fats and hydrogenated oils (e.g., margarine)–Use olive oil.
Limit or eliminate caffeine intake.
Eat a well-balanced diet–The importance of a healthy diet cannot be overstated. To function properly, the reproductive system requires the proper vitamins and minerals. Nutritional deficiencies (especially in vitamin C, selenium, zinc, and folate) can impair hormone func­tion, inhibit sperm production, and contribute to the production of abnormal sperm.
Eat organically-grown natural whole foods–Focus on fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish, poultry, le­gumes, nuts, and seeds. Eliminate processed and refined foods (e.g., white flour), junk food, and sugar.
Avoid exposure to harmful synthetic chemicals, smog and smoke–All of these may reduce sperm count and cause abnormal sperm shape.
Eat pumpkin seeds–Pumpkin seeds are naturally high in zinc and essential fatty acids which are vital to healthy functioning of the male reproductive system. Daily snacking on pumpkin seeds may help maintain a healthy reproductive system.
Some conventional medications can interfere with fertility–If concerned, consult a physician.
Reduce stress–Learn healthy techniques for dealing with stressors. Emotional stress can interfere with hor­mone production and lead to infertility.
Lose weight if needed, and exercise regularly–Lack of exercise and obesity can lead to deficiency in testos­terone production

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