Sunday, 12 January 2014


Q- What causes constipation??
Constipation refers to difficulty in passing stools. Regular bowel movements are essential for good health, but most people experience occasional constipation; it is one of the most common digestive complaints. It is usually caused by insufficient amounts of fiber and fluids in the diet. Other contributing factors include:  inadequate exercise, stress, depression, anxiety, and poor diet.
Constipation can also be a side effect of some medications, such as painkillers and antidepressants, and it’s very common during pregnancy. It is most common in children and mature adults, and it affects women more than men. Regularity is usually achieved by simple lifestyle changes and improved diet.
Many people think it is optimal to have one bowel movement each day. But “normal” varies from person to person. Some have bowel movements three times a day, while others move their bowels just three times a week. In general, anyone who experiences straining, pellet-like stools, hard stools, cannot fully empty their bowels and has fewer than three bowel movements a week is considered constipated.
Q- How can I avoid or alleviate constipation? ?
No matter what your age, you can help avoid constipation by making several healthy lifestyle choices:
•    Take time to eat, breathe slowly, and chew food thoroughly
•    Consume fiber-rich foods: vegetables, fresh & dried fruits, whole wheat, oat bran
•    Drink 2 to 3 liters of water per day
•    Exercise regularly; follow a plan appropriate to your abilities
•    Eat small frequent meals; avoid overeating at one sitting
•    Drink warm lemon water just before meals to stimulate digestion
•    Include stewed or soaked prunes in your daily diet
•    Avoid dairy products, soft drinks, meat, white flour, highly processed foods, salt, coffee, alcohol, and sugar
Q- What NG4L products can help me avoid or alleviate constipation??
Several natural NG4L products also help to promote regularity by adding supplementary fiber to your diet along with cleansing or laxative herbals.  Others like Acidophilus, Spirulina, and Enzymes help by balancing the intestinal environment, promoting good bacteria and flushing out the bad. You’ll want to work with your NG4L distributor and health consultants to determine the best approach for your specific situation.  But here are a few NG4L products that are a great place to start:

•    NG4L Colon Cleansee
•    NG4L Wellness & Longevity White Tea or NG4L Anti-Constipation Tea 
•    NG4L Flaxseed Oil
•    NG4L Aloe Vera
•    NG4L Parasite Formula
•    NG4L Acidophilus 
•    NG4L Spirulina 
•    NG4L Enzymes Complex 
To order email:  or call: 08157710803 or 08034348505

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