Sunday, 12 January 2014

Chronic fatigue

Q- When is pain considered chronic??
Typically chronic pain is discomfort that continues long after the body has healed from injury or illness, often for three months or more. Chronic pain often affects older adults who suffer from ongoing conditions like arthritis. It can also occur with no known link to injury or illness simply because the nervous system malfunctions or the brain fails to produce chemicals that suppress pain. Chronic pain can occur anywhere in the body and can range from mild intermittent pain to severe pain that interferes with everyday life. Chronic pain can be described as: shooting, burning, or aching pain; or persistent soreness, tightness, or stiffness.
Q- Can diet affect chronic pain??
 Here are several nutritional tips to help reduce unhealthy inflammation and the associated pain:
•    Eat fresh pineapple, which contains bromelain, effective for treating inflammation
•    Eat whole, fiber-rich, unprocessed foods, emphasizing magnesium
•    Eat calcium-rich foods for bone and muscle strength such as leafy greens, almonds, blackberries, broccoli, mustard greens, oatmeal, orange, navy beans, and sunflower seeds
•    Avoid simple or refined sugars including fruit juices, sodas, and sugary baked goods
•    Avoid caffeine, salty foods, and alcohol
•    Limit foods high in saturated fats: red meats, dairy, shellfish, and hydrogenated oils
•    Drink chlorophyll-rich green drinks
•    Eat more fatty fish (mackerel, herring, and salmon)
Q- What lifestyle changes can assist me in alleviating chronic pain??
Chronic pain cannot be eliminated in every case, but there are many lifestyle choices you can make to prevent or reduce the symptoms of chronic pain. Seek early treatment of injuries and illness. Eat a healthy diet, get adequate sleep and pursue regular gentle exercise. Avoid stress as well as alcohol, smoking and drug use. Try alternative therapies such as acupuncture, meditation, magnet therapy, regular massage and heat/cold therapy.
Q- What NG4L products can assist me in alleviating chronic pain??
There are also vitamins and herbs known to have anti-inflammatory properties and to support nerve function.  Work with your NG4L distributor and health practitioner to determine the best approach for your specific condition and cause. The following are beneficial NG4L products:

•    NG4L Balanced B
•    NG4L Cal Mag Zn+D
•    NG4L Ultra Man/Woman or Coral calcium supreme
•    NG4L Omega fatty acids
-Flaxseed oil, Omega 3 EPA/DHA, Cod Liver oil, or Evening primrose oil
•    NG4L Noni , Mangos teen or Goji
•    NG4L Serra Fibro, NS Fibrin, Bromelaine or Enzymes
•    NG4L Arthritis Joint Formula 
To order email:  or call: 08157710803 or 08034348505

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